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Thousands of Los Angeles city workers take strike action

THOUSANDS of workers in Los Angeles, on the west coast of the United States, took strike action today after alleging unfair employment practices.

City employees, members of the Service Employees International Union Local 721, which includes sanitation workers, lifeguards and traffic officers, set up pickets for their 24 hour strike at Los Angeles International Airport and other key spots.

The union said airport guards, mechanics and engineers are among the more than 11,000 LA city workers striking.

The union said its members walked out because the city has failed to bargain in good faith and has also engaged in employment practices that restricted employee and union rights.

Mayor Karen Bass said in a statement on Monday: “City workers are vital to the function of services for millions of Angelenos every day and to our local economy.

“They deserve fair contracts and we have been bargaining in good faith with SEIU 721 since January. The city will always be available to make progress 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

It is the latest strike to overtake the nation’s second-largest city in recent months. Hollywood writers have been on strike since May and actors joined them last month.

Los Angeles hotel workers have staged staggered walkouts all summer.

School staff also walked out earlier this year and there was also a contract strike at southern California ports this year.

The union approved a one-year deal with the city in November 2022 with the understanding that they would return to the bargaining table in January, but the union said the city reneged on the promise to negotiate.

SEIU Local 721 chief of staff Gilda Valdez said: “This strike is a very strong message: ‘Come to the table’.” 

The union plans to return to talks with the city next week, she said.


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