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Tobacco farm workers fight British American Tobacco's union busting in North Carolina

TOBACCO farm workers in North Carolina have called for international solidarity over “union-busting” operations by the British American Tobacco (BAT) company.

They have united in the Farm Labour Organising Committee in their campaign for the right to organise and bargain collectively to improve their working and living conditions.

The farm workers accuse BAT of refusing to recognise the union and not acknowledging its own union-busting operations in the supply chain.

The company is based in London and its pre-tax profit rose in 2020 to £8.67 billion — compared with £7.91bn in 2019.

It has been embroiled in a number of scandals, and earlier this year the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Network accused BAT of helping finance jihadist groups in Mali using a number of mechanisms including oversupply, which allowed billions of cigarettes to be smuggled out of the country.

The AFL-CIO Farm Labourers Committee vowed to “speak out for all workers, documented and non-documented workers,” and gave its full backing to the campaign.


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