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Wales TUC demands Hunt drops inheritance tax cut from autumn statement

WELSH trade unions have demanded Chancellor Jeremy Hunt drop anticipated inheritance tax changes in Wednesday’s Autumn Statement.

The Wales TUC said a recent poll showed just 2 per cent of people in Wales would benefit from cuts to inheritance tax. 

WTUC general secretary Shavanah Taj said: “Virtually no-one is affected by inheritance tax in Wales, but if it is cut our public services will be starved of much-needed funding yet again.

“At a time when people are struggling with the cost of living it would be obscene to give a huge tax cut to a very small, very wealthy minority.

“The Conservatives have broken Britain and they seem hell-bent on making things even worse. We need an economy that rewards work, not wealth.”

WTUC analysis shows that of the 38,575 people who died in Wales in 2020-21 — the latest year for which figures are available — just 790 estates had to pay inheritance tax.


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