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Waste management workers call off strike after pay deal win

WORKERS at a waste management firm at Grangemouth in Scotland have called off strike action after winning a “vastly improved” pay deal.

The 70 workers at Veolia ISS are members of the union Unite and have won a two-year deal involving a 7 per cent pay increase for 2024 and 4 per cent for 2025.

They had been due to launch strike action tomorrow.

Unite industrial officer Pat Egan said: “Through the power of collective solidarity our members have achieved an overall increase of 24 per cent for operatives and 18 per cent for other grades since 2023. This is the power of the union in action.”

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Workers fighting for what they deserve and winning is a theme that employers need to take heed of.

“The pay deal at Veolia is another example of Unite members standing together to achieve better jobs, pay and conditions.”


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