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Ecuador's president-elect calls for tough action against Venezuela in first major foreign policy speech

ECUADORIAN president-elect Guillermo Lasso has called for tougher measures against Venezuela in one of his first foreign policy statements following his shock election victory on Sunday.

The former banker echoed US calls for pressure to be put on the government of President Nicolas Maduro to guarantee “real democracy” in Venezuela.

Speaking in an interview on Colombian radio station La FM on Tuesday, Mr Lasso said that, while he insists on “diplomacy and dialogue,” he believes that the international community must take action.

He went on to thank hapless Washington-backed usurper Juan Guaido for his support after the failed Venezuelan opposition politician offered his good wishes after Mr Lasso’s election victory over leftwinger Andres Arauz.

“Today is a great day for freedom throughout the region. Venezuelans have our full support to recover democracy and our commitment to alleviate the humanitarian crisis they face around the world,” he said.

Mr Lasso, one of Ecuador’s richest men, confirmed that he had invited Mr Guaido to attend his inauguration ceremony next month, when he will take over from unpopular incumbent Lenin Moreno, who did not stand for re-election.

He also revealed that he had accepted an invitation from Colombia’s President Ivan Duque to visit the country and pledged his government’s full support for its efforts to “preserve democracy” and fight crime.

The interview is a major indication of the direction that Mr Lasso’s presidency will take. The conservative politician had already promised a decisive break with the left-wing politics of the past and appears to be another regional leader under the influence of Washington.

His victory in Sunday’s election confounded pollsters, most of whom had Union for Hope candidate Mr Arauz as the frontrunner.


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