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China to mass test Wuhan’s 11 million citizens as delta variant spreads

CHINESE authorities announced mass coronavirus testing in Wuhan today as a series of Covid-19 outbreaks have occurred in the city where the disease was first detected in late 2019.

Wuhan, a provincial capital of 11 million people in central China, is the latest city to undergo city-wide testing.

Three cases were confirmed there on Monday, its first non-imported cases in more than a year.

China has largely curbed Covid-19 at home after the initial outbreak that devastated Wuhan and over time spread to the rest of China and globally.

Since then, authorities have controlled the disease whenever it has popped up, with quick lockdowns and mass testing to isolate infected people.

The current outbreaks, while still in the hundreds of cases in total, have spread much more widely than previous ones, reaching multiple provinces and cities, including the capital Beijing.

Many of the cases have been identified as the highly contagious delta variant, which is driving a resurgence in many countries.


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