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Leading communist guerilla killed in gun battle, Filipino armed forces say

FILIPINO military chiefs claimed to have killed leading communist guerilla Jorge Madlos, also known as Ka Oris, in a gun battle in Mindanao on Saturday.

In a press conference held yesterday morning Colonel Ramon Zagala said the New People’s Army (NPA) commander’s death was “a major blow” to the communist insurgents.

But the National Democratic Front (NDF) — an umbrella organisation that includes the NPA — denied that a gun fight had taken place, insisting that Mr Madlos was ambushed by soldiers. 

“There was no exchange of gunfire because Ka Oris was unarmed when he left the area for his regular medical check-up and treatment,” NDF spokeswoman Maria Malaya said.

Earlier this year the government designated the Communist Party of the Philippines the NPA as terrorist organisations under new legislation.

President Rodrigo Duterte has been accused of using it to launch a violent offensive against all opposition forces, along with trade unionists and rural communities.

Starting in 1969, the rebellion in the Philippines is the world’s longest ongoing communist insurgency, with tens of thousands killed in more than 50 years of fighting.


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