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Communist Party of Swaziland issues rallying cry for revolutionary people’s war

THE Communist Party of Swaziland has called for a “revolutionary people’s war” to overthrow the autocratic regime of King Mswati III.

The rallying cry was issued by the party after it accused the royal dictator of opposing meaningful dialogue and “threatening to continue his brutality against all those calling for democracy in Swaziland.”

On Saturday, the embattled king ordered the armed forces to crush all forms of dissent in the African nation, now known officially as Eswatini.

More than 100 people were killed last summer as security forces operated a shoot-to-kill policy against youth-led democracy protests sweeping the country.

Large demonstrations were held in Swaziland’s main cities demanding reforms including the unbanning of political parties. 

Many called for the resignation of Mswati III, who has ruled the country since in 1986.

Known as Africa’s last absolute monarch, the king’s reign has been marked by deepening poverty and starvation for the people of Swaziland while he has enriched himself and his family.

The communists were angered when he reiterated his “narcissistic claim” last July that everything in the country belongs to him and insulted the masses seeking reform.

Mswati issued what the party said were threats against democracy activists known to him, raising fears that they would be targeted for punishment in a witch-hunt by the regime.

“The Communist Party of Swaziland reminds the oppressed people of Swaziland that the Mswati autocracy will not go down without a fight, by mere well-meaning dialogue,” it said in a statement.

“Mswati has time and again proved that not only is he opposed to dialogue about the future of the country but he is also committed to spill more blood to cling to power.”

The communists criticised other opposition groups demanding talks, alleging that they aimed to “weaken the masses” in a bid to remove the monarch and would only “prolong their oppression.”

The monarch will never concede power unless he is forced to do so, the party said, adding that all available forms of struggle must be used to overthrow the system.

“The most immediate task of the democratic forces at this point is to organise the masses, not for a dialogue, but for total revolution, for a total takeover of power, which must be placed at the hands of the people,” the party said.

The fight requires deeper commitment, discipline and sacrifice, the communists said, adding: “There must thus be no middle road regarding the Swazi people’s struggle for freedom.”


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