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Former senior US government official John Bolton calls for coups against Iran and North Korea

FORMER US national security adviser John Bolton has doubled down on his recent controversial admission of involvement in attempted coups by suggesting the Iranian and North Korean governments should be overthrown. 

He was speaking on the Newsmax channel yesterday when he derided what he described as “snowflakes on the left” for the reaction to his recent remarks, saying: “When you’re looking out for America’s best interests, you do what’s necessary.”

Mr Bolton went on to warn of the threats posed by countries that are seeking to develop nuclear weapons and specifically mentioned Iran and North Korea. 

The former US diplomat said: “Would coup d’etat against their [Iran and North Korean] governments be appropriate? I think the answer is yes.”

He refused to be drawn on which countries’ governments he had been involved in planning to overthrow but admitted to plotting a coup in Venezuela. 

Last week, Venezuelan officials branded Mr Bolton a “psychopath” over his admission that the US plotted to oust the government of President Nicolas Maduro. 

Venezuelan forces have foiled a number of attempted coups including one launched by the US private security company Silvercorps from neighbouring Colombia. 

Two former US marines, Luke Denman and Airan Berry, were jailed for their role in the plot which included plans to kidnap or kill Mr Maduro.


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