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Biden says he still lacks votes to protect abortion rights in the US, despite stronger than expected performance in the mid-terms

PRESIDENT Joe Biden has admitted that the Democrats still lack the power to codify abortion rights in law, despite his party’s stronger than expected performance in the mid-term elections.

Mr Biden’s blunt comments on Monday reflect how the Democrats’ euphoria over their mid-term results will soon collide with the likely reality of divided government in Washington.

During the campaign, the president pledged that if the party picked up seats, the first piece of legislation he would send to Congress would be a Bill to create a nationwide right to abortion.

The right was previously guaranteed by the US Supreme Court through its landmark 1973 Roe v Wade decision, which was overturned by the court’s conservative majority earlier this year.

Although Democrats defied historical precedent by avoiding mid-term losses, they did not gain enough ground to ensure abortion access nationwide.

Asked what voters might expect on the issue, Mr Biden replied: “I don’t think they can expect much of anything.”

Although ballots are still being counted, the Republicans are on track to take control of the US House of Representatives by a narrow margin, which would enable them to block any abortion legislation.

“I think it’s going to be very close, but I don’t think we’re going to make it,” President Biden said.

Democrats will maintain control of the Senate and may even expand their majority after next month’s run-off in Georgia. But some party members have been unwilling to sidestep filibuster rules to pass an abortion law.

Mr Biden had previously said that “we need two more senators” to codify abortion rights, a reference to Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who want to preserve the filibuster.

If Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia wins a second term next month, the Democrats will have gained one seat in the Senate.


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