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China says it won’t seek to benefit from the war in Ukraine

CHINA’S foreign minister said today that his country has no intention of benefiting from the war in Ukraine and hopes for further discussions on a peace plan Beijing proposed earlier this year.

Speaking after a meeting with his German counterpart in Berlin, Foreign Minister Qin Gang noted the recent talks the government in Beijing had with both Moscow and Kiev, and said China’s special envoy for Europe was expected to visit Ukraine again soon.

“We won’t pour oil on the fire” of the war, Mr Qin said.

Without evidence Western countries have accused Beijing of providing political and material support to Russia since its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. 

The European Union is currently considering imposing further sanctions against companies that supply critical components to Russia’s arms industry.

Mr Qin denied Chinese firms were doing so. He said China maintains “normal” trade relations with Russia.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock urged China to use its clout to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

However, Germany has not endorsed China’s peace plan or proposed an alternative.


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