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Ant-fascists welcome jailing of anti-semitic and white supremacist podcaster

ANTI-FASCIST groups today welcomed the jailing of a host of a “highly anti-semitic and white supremacist” podcast called Radio Aryan.

James Allchurch, a self-avowed racist and Hitler supporter, was found guilty in March of stirring up racial hatred and has been jailed for more than two years.

The 51-year-old from Pembrokeshire, Wales, is said to have recorded the “vile” show to “spread his propaganda about racial conflict.”

A West Wales Stand Up to Racism spokesman said: “We welcome the jailing of a dangerous individual spreading hate and racism through a series of disgusting podcasts.

“None of this happens in a vacuum and the anti-migrant language from the UK government fuels this type of hate speech.”

Podcast guests included extremists such as jailed National Action co-founder Alex Davies.

On Monday, Mr Allchurch was sentenced at Swansea Crown Court to two-and-a-half years in prison by Judge Huw Rees.

He was convicted of 10 out of 15 counts of distributing audio material to stir up racial hatred.


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