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Lucozade workers to launch strike action

WORKERS who produce the energy drink Lucozade will launch a week’s strike action over poor pay from Monday.

The action involves 180 members of union Unite at Suntory Beverage and Food in Coleford, Gloucestershire.

The union accused the company of “failing to address the cost-of-living crisis.”

A two-year pay deal in April 2022, included an agreement to review the second year’s increase if inflation increased.

Unite said that the company failed to produce a new increase.

General secretary Sharon Graham said: “Suntory is awash with cash and it is reprehensible that it has failed to give our members a fair pay increase.

“The workers at Suntory have Unite’s complete support.”

Unite said Lucozade and Ribena could soon disappear from supermarket shelves.

Regional officer Michael Hobbs said: “The strike action will inevitably result in shortages of consumers favourite drinks, but Suntory has brought this strike on itself due to its unreasonable actions.”


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