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JobCentre security guards to strike for seven days

HUNDREDS of jobcentre security guards are starting seven days of strike action tomorrow in protest at being “underpaid and undervalued” while facing abuse and threats of violence at work.

The guards are employed by contractor G4S at 600 jobcentres and Department for Work and Pensions offices nationwide.

Members of general union GMB and Civil Service union PCS are striking together.

Guards told of receiving verbal abuse and threats and fearing that they would be attacked, “all for £11.44 an hour.”

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote said: “As these shocking testimonies show, it’s high time G4S gave our members a pay rise. The company turns over billions of pounds a year, so could easily afford it.

“That they choose to reward their shareholders instead of our members is another reason why we’re demanding the new government brings workers back into the public sector.

“It’s time to end outsourcing for good and bring back essential government services in-house.”


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