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Virgin Media sacks chronically ill worker in ‘blatant violation’ of Equality Law, GMB says

VIRGIN MEDIA have sacked a chronically ill worker in a “blatant violation of the Equality Act,” the GMB union said today. 

Pawan Paul, 23, who suffers from Crohn’s Disease, had worked for the telecoms giant in Brentford, west London, since he was an 18-year-old apprentice. 

The installer was hospitalised in September and told he may have to wear a stoma bag for the rest of his life but despite being prescribed strong steroids and painkillers, returned to work full-time at the end of the month. 

He was asked to cold call and collect old equipment boxes from customers in addition to his installation duties.

But due to his condition and medication, he did not collect the empty boxes as instructed and has now been sacked. 

Mr Paul, from Hayes, said: “It’s disgusting the way Virgin Media have treated me. 

“My old manager was like a father to me after my dad died, if I made any mistakes he would tell me and make sure I didn’t make them again. 

“Now I feel I’ve been victimised. I feel like they’re saying ‘he’s got a disability – let’s get rid of him.’

“I’m one of the main bread-winners in our house, my mum has a brain tumour. I’m not sure how we’ll cope.” 

GMB organiser Trevlyn McLeod added: “The way Pawan has been treated is a disgrace – a blatant violation of the Equality Act. 

“GMB stands firmly behind him – we demand Virgin Media conducts a comprehensive investigation into these ongoing issues and addresses the toxic culture within their organisation. 

“Virgin Media cannot overlook their legal obligations and treat employees with such disregard.” 

A Virgin Media spokesman said: “Following a thorough investigation in this case, Mr Paul was dismissed on April 29 for failing to complete work assignments on numerous occasions and repeatedly failing to report absences. Mr Paul appealed his dismissal which, upon review, has not been upheld.”


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