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Enough evidence to hold Lopez on criminal charges

Harvard-educated rightwinger Lopez, faces 10 years behind bars if convicted

There is enough evidence against Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez to hold him on charges including arson and criminal incitement stemming from an anti-government rally last week, a judge ruled .

Prosecutors opted not to pursue murder charges after the February 12 protests that turned violent, leaving three dead.

But the Harvard-educated rightwinger still faces 10 years behind bars if convicted.

He handed himself in to police during a rally on Tuesday while urging people to protest against his arrest.

President Nicolas Maduro has accused Mr Lopez of leading an extremist faction of the opposition seeking to carry out a coup against the democratically elected government.

Mr Maduro has also been forced to expel US diplomats for their part in fomenting unrest.

Before 's decision Mr Maduro hinted that the plotter would face charges.

"I said: 'Send him to jail,' and that's what happened and that's what will happen with all of the fascists," he said.

"I won't allow him to challenge the people of Venezuela, the constitution."

He warned protesters in opposition stronghold Tachira that he was willing to declare a state of emergency and "send in the tanks" after the violent clashes that have taken place there.

The violence has continued this week, with unidentified gunmen firing on an anti-government protest in Valencia on Tuesday, killing a university student.

In Bolivar state the next day, snipers killed one person at a pro-government rally.

The killings are reminiscent of the foiled 2002 coup, when gunmen fired on crowds of people to create social conflict.


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