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Tube ticket staff rally at Parliament

London Underground workers ramp up their fight to keep ticket offices open

London Underground workers will protest outside Parliament tomorrow as they ramp up their fight to keep ticket offices open.

Transport union RMT is already planning two 48-hour strikes in February to protect services for the travelling public and will protest outside the Commons before MPs debate the closures and loss of several hundred safety-critical jobs.

Labour MP and RMT parliamentary group convenor John McDonnell secured the Westminster Hall debate.

He said: "Many MPs are expressing their concern at these drastic cuts in staffing.

"They know that this will not only undermine the quality of the service but will also increase the risk to passengers traveling on our network.

"We are urging (Mayor Boris Johnson) to see sense and pull back from this attack on our members jobs and on the travelling public."

RMT general secretary Bob Crow (pictured) said the union's members will not give in to cuts that he says will put the public at risk.

He said: "We have made it clear all along that we will use every political and public campaigning tool at our disposal alongside the industrial campaign.

"That really kicks in this week with the parliamentary debate and protest and the public rally."

The union will hold a public rally against the cuts at 6.30pm on Thursday in Conway Hall, London WC1.

RMT Underground workers will strike for 48 hours on February 4 and 11.

Members of fellow transport union TSSA will vote on whether to launch its own campaign of industrial action in coming weeks.


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