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No to the promotion and glamorisation of prostitution

An open letter to Brighton University regarding the the Sex Workers’ Outreach Project stall at its freshers’ fair

To: Debra Humphris, vice-chancellor, Brighton University

Tomi Ibukun, president, Brighton University Student Union 

Amy Jaiteh, VP welfare & campaigns, Brighton University Student Union

Dear Ms Humphris, Mr Ibukun and Ms Jaiteh,

We write to express our concern that a stall run by the Sex Workers’ Outreach Project (Swop) was made available to your students during freshers’ week.

Most of the freshers are young, many still teenagers. Many are vulnerable and worried about money. All of these factors can lead young people, especially girls and young women, to consider prostitution as a viable option. 

However, research shows that the life of women involved in prostitution is at best unstable, at worst extremely dangerous. 

Long-term physical, emotional and psychological consequences are inevitable. This is how one young woman described her recent experience in prostitution.

“People think prostitution is about having consensual sex for money. It’s not. Those men don’t want to pay for that. They paid me and then used me however they wanted. I was beaten with objects until I bled, spat at, anally raped, gang-raped, passed around at sex parties like a toy, men slipping off their condoms. I was shouted at, threatened, choked, told to look like I enjoyed it or he’d take the money back. I was scared every single second.”

How is it ethical to suggest, even obliquely, that this is a reasonable option for a young woman to whom you have a duty of care? Or the corollary — that buying sex — is an acceptable option for a young man?

We understand that the institution’s response was that the stall was aimed at students who are already involved in “sex work” with the aim of making sure they knew where to find support.

This does not really wash because we know from speaking to women currently and previously involved in prostitution that they would never approach such a public stall for fear of being outed to their peers, which could put them in real danger of assault by men.

Swop must be well aware of this dynamic. A genuine effort to reach students currently engaged with prostitution could more appropriately be made discreetly through the student welfare service.

What then was the real purpose of the stall?

It’s hard to see any purpose other than promoting, glamorising and normalising the renting of (mostly) women’s and girls’ bodies to men. 

As such the stall would inevitably serve to groom both young women and young men to accept and participate in this most oppressive and inhumane institution that is both a cause and consequence of the gross inequality between the sexes. 

One of the many reasons we campaign for the Nordic model, is that it improves boys’ and young men’s attitude to women and girls and encourages them to reject the sex industry and the objectification of women on which it is predicated. 

The university has a legal obligation under the Public Sector Equality Duty to consider the impact of its measures on the need to eliminate sexist discrimination and harassment, to advance women’s equality of opportunity and to foster good relations between male and female students and staff. How is allowing a stall that implicitly (if not explicitly) condones and trivialises an institution that feeds male entitlement and entrenches the second-class status of women compatible with that?

We are acutely aware of the devastating poverty that is gripping large sections of the community because of the government’s austerity policies, and the impact of the student fees. 

However, there are many other more positive ways to help young people negotiate and survive these problems and we would suggest that this is where you should be aiming your focus.

We urge you to take your responsibilities to young people and to equality between the sexes more seriously in future and to never allow such a thing to happen again.

Yours sincerely,


Nordic Model Now! 
Cambridge Women's Rights Action Group
Campaign Against Sex Robots
Campaign to End the Leeds Sex Trade
Cardiff Women’s Aid
Chelt Fems
Create Women’s Project 
Critical Sisters
Essex Feminist Collective
Liverpool ReSisters
London Feminist Network
Manchester Feminist Network 
Nia — delivering cutting edge services to end violence against women and children
Not Buying It
Not for Sale in Scotland
RadFem Collective
Resist Porn Culture
Rooms of our Own
Scary Little Girls
The Judith Trust
Women’s Voices Matter
Zero Option Sheffield
ALARM! Gegen Sexkauf und Menschenhandel e.V.
Association for Equality (A4E)
Association of American Trained Nigerian Professionals
Associazione IROKO Onlus
Canadian Feminist Network
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia
Edmonton Small Press Association
EVE (formerly Exploited Voices now Educating)
Hackney Women’s Forum
Indigenous Women Against the Sex Industry
La Maison de Mélanie 
Montreal Men Against Sexism
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
Native American Warriorz Task Force 
Osez le Féminisme!
Prostitution Research & Education, San Francisco
Purple Hearts Missions Possible & Healthy Horizons
Resistanta (Ukrainian Abolition Organisation)
Resistenza Femminista
Révolution Féministe
SERP (Sexual Exploitation Research Programme), University College Dublin
Sisters — für den Ausstieg aus der Prostitution! e.V.
The Organization for Prostitution Survivors

Al Garthwaite, I know a number of women who have at one time been involved in prostitution or who still are. It's an appalling life. I am shocked that this stall was allowed.
Alabama Whitman, Abolitionist 
Alan Ferry, Former drugs worker
Alex Kempton, Former University of Brighton student. 
Ali Ceesay, Former outreach worker
Alice Bondi, Woman — dealing with sexist attitudes for seven decades
Alisa Bernard, Director of Education and Partnerships, MPAc, Survivor of Prostitution
Alishea Rashid
Alison Garraway, Student ( many years ago). Mother. Have experienced sexual abuse.
Alison Lacey
Amalia Arvaniti
Amanda Farinas, Survivor of sexual exploitation and violence
Amanda Frank, Being a member of society makes me an interested party
Amanda Hogg
Amanda Norris 
Amy Moore
Ana Garcia
Ananiya Varma
Anber Raz, Worked with survivors of sex trafficking for many years
Andrea Holland, Mother
Andrea Smith
Andy Burton
Angela Fletcher, Partner of a recovering sex addict
Angela Garrod
Angie Partis
Ann Hall, Meeting survivors of the sex industry and seeing first hand the damage caused to a person as a result of the inherent violence, abuse and exploitation of this industry. 
Ann Hayne
Ann Keeling, Former head Gender Equality Policy UK government with 35 years working in international development including on programmes to prevent violence against women, and mother of two sons. 
Anna Borg, Academic
Anna Brown
Anna Komissarova, MA, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
Anne James
Anne Kazimirski, I have conducted (published) research on the childhood experiences and mental health of women selling sex (clients of a service supporting women to exit the sex industry), which identified a high level of vulnerability through having experienced child sexual abuse, and a large negative impact of selling sex on their mental health.
Anne Marie Manning, For four years I managed a social work project which provided health care and support to women involved in prostitution. We supported women to leave prostitution when they were ready.
Anne Plouët
Anne Robinson
Anne Skjoth, I am an adult human female and have empathy. 
Anne Wilcox
Annette Brennan 
Annette Lawson
Annie Gwillym Walkerc
Annie Wilson
Anthony Martin
Any Sampson
Arianna Vacca
Ashli Ricco
Benedicte Kaare Fjeld
Bethan Pink
Beti Baraki
Beverley Forbes
Bhoomika Kalwani,
Bianca Guth, social worker
Billie Wealleans, Campaigning for the Nordic Model on the Holyrood CSE CPG and as a lib/dem to change their policy on this. Also an associate member of WEP who support this policy.
Birte Lühr
Brigitte Lechner
Brii Davis
Britta Schwarz
Cait Demicoli
Caitlin Hurley
Carell Wingrave, Concerned grandmother
Carol O’Byrne, Unison member
Carol O'Dea
Caroline Ayerst
Caroline Hadley, Campaigner against prostitution 
Caroline Horne
Caroline Victoria Hadley
Caroline Wood
Caterina Gatti
Catherine Clarke
Catherine Etherington, Professional working with sex addicts and partners
Catherine Farrar, Adult Safeguarding professional
Catherine Mitchell
Catherine Nixon
Catherine Parkin
Cathy Turner 
Cecile Cardoza, Lawyer
Cecile Werey, Student
Celia Holmes
Char Verishine
Charlie Dacke
Charlotte Wright
Chelsea Geddes, As a prostituted woman who knows first-hand what PTSD from ‘sex work’ can do to your chances of success with higher education, I have to speak out against the sexist assault on young women’s education and futures. Sex is not work.
Chiara Carpita
Chris Hall
Christina Parajene, Survivor
Christine Milla
Chuck Derry
Claire, Teacher 
Claire Dodds 
Claire Hart
Clare, A mother who does not want stalls like this to affect girls.
Clare B Dimyon MBE [LGBT], Survivor of life-threatening physical assault in which I taught a man consent while he was raping me at 18 years old in 1984, 30 years before public discussion of consent
Clare McElhatton
Cllr Louise Paine
Colleen Glynn, I am a woman who has been fighting for women’s rights for decades
Conn Suits
Corrine Streetly, MA Women’s Studies
Cynthia Ton
D Barnes, BSc Hons PGCE
Daniel Marsh
Danielle Caswell, I’ve been abused and assaulted. It’s not a choice if there are no other options. Please say no! 
Dany Newbery
Dario Saluz
Dawn Kuehn, Survivor/lawyer
Debbie Galton, development manager in sexual violence support service 
Deborah Berns, woman, mother and grandmother, impossible for our family to send one of our young people to University of Brighton while it engages it normalising the abhorrent practice of prostitution.
Deborah Royle, Post Grad Diploma Social Work
Dee Sheehan
Delamare Deboutteville
Denise Charlton
Denise Wightman, CSA survivor 
Diane Langford
Dmitry G., BA in philosophy
Dr Claire-Marie Malpas, MBBCH
Dr Emma Hilton
Dr Holly Craggs, educational and child psychologist
Dr J Gamble
Dr Jacci Stoyle, ambassador of Cahira House; a safe house for women trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation (CSE), member of the Cross Party for CSE in the Scottish Parliament and representative of the Scottish Episcopal Church on the Anti-Trafficking group of Action of Churches Together in Scotland (Acts)
Dr Jane Howcroft
Dr Judith Dodds, medical doctor
Dr Lesley Orr, Gender justice research, teaching and advocacy
Dr Lesley Semmens, Senior Lecturer (retired) Leeds Beckett University 
Dr Lynne Harne, I have undertaken research with prostituted women helping them to exit from prostitution
Dr Meagan Tyler, PhD
Dr Monica O'Connor, Researcher  
Dr Sasha Rakoff, I have successfully campaigned and raised awareness for 15 years over the harms of the sex trade
Dr Anne Lacey
Dr Katherine Cascio, Psychologist who treats and researches the experiences of women who have been in the sex trade
Dr Simon Peter, European External Action Service, European Commission
Dr BA Reay, I’m a doctor, who has seen the consequences of prostitution
Ed McArthur
Eden Atherton
Elda Evans, Support worker for 15 years counselling victims of sexual abuse.
Elise O, A young woman who is frightened for those easily influenced and vulnerable women at risk of being taken in by an awful trend, that will only end with disastrous results.
Elizabeth Campbell, Teacher, writer
Elizabeth Carola
Elizabeth Fisher
Elizabeth Miller, I am a woman, and all women are harmed by how men’s attitudes towards women and girls are influenced by their experiences with pornography and prostitution, which are consumerised abuse of women and children.
Elizabeth Patterson, Sister of a (so-called) “sex work” survivor
Elizabeth Pickett
Elizaveta Morozova
Elle Savvy   
Ellen Grogan
Emily Weir
Emma Dresser
Emma Robertson
Emma Rompani, Social worker
Emma Salmon
Erica Shorter 
Erin Tinsley, Compliance/coercion is not consent. Money coerces compliance. 
Esohe Aghatise
Euan Brown
Eve Tidswell, Live near Holbeck Leeds, see evidence every day.
Evelyn Silver
Fiona Hawke
Fiona McAllister, BA Hons MA
Fiona Roberts
Fran Hopwood, Parter of a man with problematic sexual behaviour
Frances Gillard, Ex-social worker ex-foster carer of teenage girls 
Francine Sporenda
Frankie Green, Living as a woman for 70 years so #MeToo, and as a campaigner from the Women’s Liberation Movement since 1968 opposing commodification of women’s bodies
Gemma Kelly, Campaigner for the Nordic Model 
Georgina Veitch, Specialist Refuge Service Manager
Ghada Jabbour
Giulia Cavicchia
Grossetete Marie Paule, Militante contre la prostitution
Hannah Harrison
Harriet Evans, Survivor of the sex trade
Hasina Daya
Hayley Martin
Hayley Tweddle 
Hazel Frew
Heather Child 
Heather Finlay
Heather Harvey, Worked on violence against women and girls for 25 years a large part of which has specifically focused on supporting women to exit prostitution
Heather Strohl, One of the exploited class called FEMALE
Hedvig Kärnekull
Helena Brors
Helen Bishop
Helen Freeborn
Helen Mary Jones, Assembly Member, National Assembly of Wales
Helen Richmond
Helen Saxby
Helen Sneddon
Henrike van den Hoff
Hilary Wise
Holly Brewer, Ex-sex industry worker 
Irena Fick
Irene Torres
Isabel Buckley, I graduated from Brighton Uni in 2003 and am deeply shocked that the Student’s Union nowadays is unpolitical, uninformed, naive and downright misogynistic.
Isobel Hart
Ivietta Kamienieva
J Burke
J Gourley
Jackie Britton
Jackie Lynne, I am a survivor/thriver of the sex industry
Jacky Grainger, Therapist who works with survivors of the sex trade
Jacky Holyoake
Jade Byng, I am a woman. Stop encouraging misogyny.
Jalna Hanmer, I am a retired academic that has researched and published on violence against women all my working life. 
James Meechan
Jan Baxter 
Jan Oliver
Janaina Roberts, Education professional
Jane Anglin, Rape Crisis Centre Trustee
Jane Ayres, Parent, Socialist, Humanist, Feminist
Jane Connelly 
Jane Harris, PhD
Jane May Morrison, PhD researcher
Jane Roberts
Janice Hurne, BSc, MSc, C Eng, PgCEd
Janice Williams
Jayne Gosnall, I am a survivor of the sex trade
Jayne Watmough
Jeff White
Jemma Carnell
Jenna Lampers
Jennifer Forsyth, MSc Ed Psy, Experience of sexual assault and rape.
Jessica Ahlberg
Jessica Mock
Jewell Baraka, Survivor 
Jill Gardner, Sexual assault victim 
Jill Leigh, Social worker and mental health adviser in university setting
Jo Bagshaw 
Jo Phaure, Survivor of sexual assault 
Joanna Campbell, I was coerced into selling sex by older people when I was a teenager
Joanna Lovett, Senior Research Fellow
Joanna Wilson, Graduate of Brighton University, survivor of sexual violence
Joanne Hayes
Jocelyn Gaskell, Sister to all prostituted women
Jodie Woodward, Senior Manager of Violence against Women and Girls charity
Joe Weaver
Jonny Rust, Consultant Gynaecologist
Jordan Dior
Josepha Scotney
Josephine Bartosch
Joy Sturgess
Judith Whittaker
Judy Ferguson, I work with women selling sex 
Jules Sheridan, Project Manager, supporting women involved in or affected by commercial sexual exploitation
Julia Hopten, Teacher  
Julia Marshall, Ex-Police Officer
Julia Tippett
Julian Vigo, PhD, I am an anthropologist and have worked within these communities.
Julie Elliman
Julie Furlong
Julie Kavanagh
K Badlan
Kai Haskins, Sexual assault survivor, feminist, ex-student, estranged from family at 16 and left to fend for myself on the streets and in hostels.
Kaitlyn Rush
Kai-Uwe Bevc, Several sex trade survivors as friends
Kara Newsome, Hypnotherapist focusing on healing women’s trauma (including rape survivors and survivors of the sex industry), woman with lived experience of broken relationships due to the sex industry, misogyny, sexual harassment and being surrounded by sexualisation and objectification of women. Woman with eyes who can see sexual harassment in the local area caused by the presence of brothels, red-light district and strip clubs.
Karen Bohr
Karen Cayer, I was an original founding staff of Passages, a programme for girls under 18 who are selling their bodies for sex in Montreal. I pulled 15 year-old-girls out of strip clubs. I’ve stood between pimps and these children. Today Passages programme is for women over 18 years of age. There is no programme for girls but there remains a need to protect our most vulnerable. 
Karen Davies, Survivor 
Kari Muller
Karrie Payne, Survivor
Karyn Irwi
Kate Morrissey, Counsellor and social worker 
Katherine Brierly, Social worker 
Katherine Sumner
Kathleen Caskie
Kathleen Richardson, Professor of Ethics and Culture of Robots and AI, and founder of the Campaign Against Sex Robots
Kathy Cohn, Survivor
Kathy Parker, I worked for many years, with survivors in housing support.
Katie Cosgrove
Katie Jenkins
Katrin Lehmann
Kelly Power
Kerensa Gardner
Kersten Myers
Kim Vernon
Kirsten Ficklin
Kristina Hastings
Kseniia Bilash
Kylee Gregg, Child-sex trafficking survivor
Kym Barlow, Worked to provide an exit for women in the sex industry.
LaTosha Summers
Laura Briggs
Laura Grove
Laura Hacking
Laura Protheroe
Laura Tagliabue
Laura Wingham, Secondary school teacher
Lesley Boyes, Survivor of previous involvement in prostitution
Lesley McLarty, Friends have been raped, sexually assaulted, murdered through their reluctant involvement in the sex trade, with some ultimately committing suicide.  Paying (mostly) women to let (mostly) men fuck their body is not something that should ever be held up as work, because it’s not. It’s exploitation of people in need.
Lesley Painter
Levi-Nicolle MacKenzie
Liliana Forero, Activist
Lily, I’m an exited woman. I was trafficked from the ages of four to 22 by my family and ex-partners. There is no real line between trafficking and prostitution. The violence, the entitlement to women’s bodies, the fear and the risk of death is all the same and claiming a distinction based on who gets the money completely misses the experience of most prostituted women where pimps take that money. Young women in a scary, vulnerable and financially unstable position do not need to be exposed to the lies of the ‘sex work is empowering’ industry which is predominantly run and managed by pimps and those with very limited experience of direct prostitution and trafficking. The impact is immeasurable but let me try. Several years on disability benefits — unable to work, live a normal life or engage with society. Thousands and thousands and thousands of pounds on trauma therapy — and that’s with a good therapist, there’s just so much trauma to deal with. Lifelong physical and emotional effects — including for me a dissociative disorder, traumatic stress, anxiety, chronic migraines and knee injuries. The impact never goes away. 
Linda McGurk
Lindsey Cooper-Brown
Lisa Ware
Liudmyla Antonets, I’m a survivor of rape
Liz Curran
Liz Swanson, Psychotherapist
Lizzie Roper
Lois Bernard, Survivor of the sex trade, Clinical Social Worker
Lorna Ward, Woman who cares about other women 
Lorna Wheeler
Lorraine Busby, Former worker in child protection
Lou Almond
Louise Bond
Louise Cameron
Louise Franklin, Used to work with a charity that helped street sex workers
Louise Somerville, Mother of three sons
Louise Taylor
Louise Waters
Louise Wild, Social Worker
Lucia Reggiani
Lucy Tann
Lucy Wainwright
Lyn Ferguson
Lynda Murphy, Survivor 
Lynn Alderson, I have close relatives who have been pushed by our appalling benefits system to consider prostitution because of poverty. This should never happen. It is a very damaging lifestyle. To encourage young women to think in this way is tantamount to grooming.
Lynn Maloney, Survivor of the sex trade
Lynn Tully
Lynne Wells
MN Hughes
Maggi Knowles
Mags Cross, Survivor of abuse
Majbritt Petersen
Manon Marie Josée Michaud, Survivor of the sex trade
Margaret Grant
Margaret Manning
Margarida Teixeira
Margret Odam
Maria de la Paz Romero Sanchez,
Maria Warren
Marian Larragy
Marie-Eve Martel, BSc Criminology & MA Woman and Child Abuse 
Marika Mason
Marilyn Glen
Marion Sporing
Marta Iris Lopez C
Martin Dufresne, Awareness-raising speaker about sexism and prostitution
Martina Baradel
Martina Farrugia, Women’s & Gender Rights Activist working on the issue of prostitution in my country. 
Martina Gorman
Mary Buttolph
Matthew Gough, A parent helping daughters consider universities
Maureen O'Hara, Senior lecturer in law, carrying out research into sexual exploitation
Meagen Renea Baumann, Rape survivor
Mélanie Carpentier, I’m a survivor
Melanie Jones
Melanie Painter
Melanie Stratten, Sibling of survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Melissa Farley, PhD, Author of 37 peer reviewed publications on the topic of prostitution, sexual violence, trafficking, and PTSD. Recent research available on request regarding “seeking arrangement” and “sugar dating” which is pimp targeting of college aged young women. 
Michael Möller
Michael Murphy
Michaela-Clare Addison, MA Women and Child student. Young women’s advocate at a women’s organisation
Mick Patrick
Miranda Turvey
Miranda Yardley
Misslin Emmanuelle
Monica Sharma
Monika Jeri
Morven Magari, Mental health advocate
Mr Frederice O Uyigue
Mrs J Lane
Naomi Green
Naomi Miles
Natascha Verbrakel, I was once prostitute
Natasha Ransom
Nathalie Birkett
Nicola D’Costa, Support worker
Nicola Newman
Nicola Stone
Nika Abkowicz-Bieńko
Nina Katz
Noémie GUY
Nusha Yonkova, Support work of migrant women survivors of sex trade
Olena Zaitseva, Lawyer
Olha Tverdokhlib, Feminist
Olivia Kenny
P Gibbons
Paddy Tanton
Pam Isherwood
Patrick Trueman, Former Chief Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, US Department of Justice
Pauline Spinazze, Feminist and abolitionist activist
Penny Leroux 
Penny White, I am a survivor of cruel sexual exploitation, and I have dear friends who are survivors of the sex trade.
Peter Macdonald
Philippa Vipham
Phillip Budd
Professor Kathleen Lynch, BSocSc, MSocSc PhD, Professor of Equality Studies (Sociologist), University College Dublin
Professor Kirstein Rummery, Academic concerned with student wellbeing and gender equality
Professor Richard Byng, Medical professional working with disadvantaged groups including prostitutes
R Keith 
R Liptrot
R Mulligan
Rachel Bell, Modern Slavery Support Worker, Ambassador to domestic abuse service and journalist
Rachel King
Rachel White, MA Women & Gender Studies
Rae Evans
Raphaëlle Rémy-Leleu, Feminist & University Chief of Staff 
Rebecca Brueton, Brighton University Alumni
Rebecca Craddock
Rebecca Harrison, MA, DipSW
Rebecca Mordan
Rebecca Mott, I did indoors prostitution 
Rebecca Pert
Rebecca Pickles
Rebecca Stanton
Rebecca Whisnant, Professor and chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Dayton
Rebekah Wershbale
Rev Hamilton, I am a survivor of the sex trade and an outreach worker for other survivors
Rhianna Keen
Rita Rake, A woman who has had the good fortune not to be placed in the position of being desperate enough to consider prostitution. Who has never suffered the terror or sexual violence that prostitution brings with it.  A mother who would never want this life for her daughter and who has taught her son to have respect for women. He is 23 and appalled by this. 
Robert Daw
Robin Fessey Holmes, BSc Sociology student at the LSE, radical feminist and campaigner for the Nordic model
Robyn Self
Rodrigo Montero, Gender Adviser at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Rosa Del Fresno
Rose Frain 
RoseAnn Cameron, BA Hons Criminology 
Rossella Renosto, Call centre adviser and feminist 
Ruby Till
Ruth Breslin
Ruth Conlock
Ruth Greenberg
Ruth Pearson
Ruth Sinclair
Ruth Webster
Ryan, Friend of former sex worker
S. Bondarchuk, Researcher; ally to exited women & men
Sajida Zar
Sally Ann Hart, Teacher & Trainer in Protective Behaviours
Sally Jackson
Sally McDonagh
Sam Alexander
Sam Batista, Have had friends involved in the sex trade
Sam Britton
Samantha Pollock, A former female student of the University of Brighton, and a mother who is horrified at this wholly inappropriate stall
Samantha Riches
Sandra McNeill
Sara Stewart, Worker in a hostel for women involved in criminal justice system. Many of these women were sex workers. 
Sarah, My best friend growing up became an escort and was very excited about the money but a week or two into doing it she was assaulted on the job. The bodyguard that was charged with her safety could not prevent the assault. The escort agency had already coached her on how to keep herself as safe as possible and it didn’t prevent anything. The agency had a no drugs policy but she was still able to do and sell ecstasy while working. After quitting she owed money to a drug dealer. He beat her and threatened to pimp her to repay the money and felt he could be successful in coercing her because she had already done sex work. Fortunately he was wrong. She then went into stripping. Eventually her lifestyle led to her overdosing on drugs, being raped while overdosing, losing access to her child and a string of abusive relationships. I believe her involvement in prostitution was one of a short list of factors that lead to her being unable to live without self-medicating. She is now an anti-prostitution activist and has a degree in social work. I also have personal experience with self-objectification but am unable to disclose the details.
Sarah Bowden, I am a woman and mother and I have thought about this. 
Sarah Cooksley
Sarah Ferguson
Sarah Gamble, MA student 
Sarah Johnson
Sarah Mathewson, Labour rights advocate 
Sarah McCann
Sarah Namdarkha
Sarah Richardson
Sarah Sharkey
Shabanah Fazal, Retired teacher
Shally Shefer, Worried mother of a student 
Sharon Allen, Qualified social worker, Housing BA Hons, MBA
Sharon Campbell 
Sharon Gascoigne 
Sharon Kirby
Shawnee Love HHD, PhD
Sheena Best
Sheila Jeffreys
Shernaz Dinshaw, I worked on several projects with CSW’s in Kamatipura, Mumbai as a co-ordinator with an NGO in the early ’90s
Sherri Ingrey
Sibyl Grundberg, DO
Silvia Loi
Simon Lakin
Simone Freeman, Teacher BSc Hons
Siobhan Jess
Solveig Senft, Engaged in helping women to exit prostitution
Stacey O’Brien
Staci Sprout, Sold for sex as a child 
Stefania Prigoda
Steffen Radtke, Engaging with Sisters, a German organisation which supports prostitutes who want to leave prostitution, from them I know how much women suffer when they are paid for sex
Stephanie Davies-Arai, Mother of daughter and sons
Stephanie Howarth
Stephen Charity 
Stephen Garner 
Stephen Jordan
Sue Laughlin, Former Health service representative on Routes out of Prostitution social inclusion project, Glasgow 
Sue Peters, Human rights activist
Susan Austin, I once prostituted myself when I  was recovering form a major bout of depression
Susan Bewley, Doctor, academic, previous sexual offences examiner
Susan Cottee
Susan Houston, Midwife, teacher, mental health worker
Susan Moffat, Years of working in the NHS to tackle violence against women
Susan Williams 
Susannah Oldham 
Suzie Love
Suzzan Blac, I am a survivor of the sex trade
TO Walker
Tamlyn Gray
Tamsen Williams
Teresa Hope
Thain Parnell, Feminist Activist and Writer
The Reverend Claudia Neely, Survivor
Toby Lindsay, MSc
Tony Newbery
Tracy Allard, Survivor of the sex trade, poor
Tracy Earnshaw, Independent Domestic Abuse Adviser 
Trish Black, Survivor of rape and sexual assault
Trisha Baptie
V S-Smith
Valerie Bernham
Valerie Sygrove
Venice Fielding 
Victoria Fletcher
Victoria Pittman
Virginia Farman
Vivienne Roberts
Wendy Davis
Wendy Metcalfe
Yarina Dehtyar
Yaroslava Mykhailova, I had experience working as a hostess in a brothel
Zac Dexter


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