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Your Paper Needs You

The Morning Star has launched a special Covid-19 appeal, and we need your help.

This year marks 90 years since the Daily Worker, renamed the Morning Star in 1966, was first published.

We haven’t yet achieved socialism in Britain, but we have survived everything the ruling class has thrown at us, from advertising boycotts to censorship and outright bans.

Now we need to survive Covid-19.

We don’t have billionaire oligarch backers like much of Big Media. We rely solely on our readers and our friends in the labour movement.

Contribute to the Covid-19 fund

We have managed to stabilise circulation by launching a new home delivery service and taking new orders from trade union branches.

But our circulation remains below pre-crisis levels, with many readers unable to get to the shops to buy their daily paper.

The Management Committee and staff have also been working round the clock to reduce our overheads and maximise revenue from advertising and new income streams, such as the increasingly popular e-edition.

We know you already do so much for us, but our Covid-related losses of £30,000 a month are simply unsustainable without your help.

Over the next three months we need to raise £90,000 to ensure the paper survives and thrives for the years to come.

Our survival

Our last appeal in celebration of the paper’s 90th birthday helped us to invest in new computers, software, and video equipment, and we would like to thank you all for your generous donations.

Now we are asking you to dig deep once again – this time to ensure that the paper that champions our key workers in the NHS, transport, retail, and other sectors, is not itself a victim of the Covid-19 crisis.

We need to raise £90,000 to get us through the next few months. Please give what you can.

Donate online below.

Cheques made payable to: The People’s Press Printing Society and posted to: The Morning Star appeal, William Rust House, 52 Beachy Road, London, E3 2NS

Bank transfer to Payee: The People’s Press Printing Society Account, Bank: The Co-operative Bank PLC Bank Branch: Islington Sort Code: 089033 Account Number: 50505115, Reference: Appeal (Or P4P8 if the donation is for the Pedal for Progress event raising money for this appeal)



We're a reader-owned co-operative, which means you can become part of the paper too by buying shares in the People’s Press Printing Society.



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Fighting fund

You've Raised:£ 8,994
We need:£ 9,106
13 Days remaining
Donate today