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Alexander calls for No vote tax power

Alexander wants further tax and welfare powers as part of an enhanced devolution settlement for Scotland

Labour shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander called on his party's devolution commission yesterday to offer more powers for the Scottish parliament.

Mr Alexander wants further tax and welfare powers as part of an enhanced devolution settlement in the event of a No vote in September's referendum.

He urged the commission to "range widely and act boldly" on powers over taxation, employment and skills policy, the responsibilities of the Crown Estate and the running of elections.

"We should offer an approach which is right in principle, but also which is proper in practice, as this is what I think Scotland wants," he said.

Labour's devolution commission was launched by the party's Scottish leader Johann Lamont in 2012 to look at the current devolution settlement and how it could be enhanced.

Its interim report in April last year described income tax as the "best candidate" for further devolution.

Corporation tax was ruled out and national insurance was considered too closely linked to the wider British benefits system Labour wants to keep.

The commission's final report will be published at Scottish Labour's conference in Perth later this month.

Meanwhile, a former Scottish Labour chairman announced he would vote Yes in the independence referendum.

Left-wing party veteran Bob Thomson said: "I have been swithering on how to vote in the referendum and have been waiting in vain to hear something positive from Better Together to help me make up my mind."


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