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People’s Assembly ‘the way to smash the right’s grip’

Morning Star fringe sets sights on breaking the right-wing agenda

Trade unionists issued a resounding call for collective action against the right yesterday at the Morning Star’s rally at the TUC Congress.

Star editor Richard Bagley urged people to unite behind the People’s Assembly Against Austerity, which “has the potential to excite and inspire those who have been cut loose from political engagement or are among those, particularly among the masses of unemployed youth, who never had it in the first place.

“To do that it cannot be a mere anti-austerity movement — it needs to be a post-austerity, pro-people movement with a clear vision of the society we can achieve.

“Its goal must be to break the stranglehold that the right has on mainstream debate.”

North-west TUC secretary Lynn Collins said the reality of the Con-Dem cuts had been laid bare in June during the union-backed Austerity Uncovered bus tour.

“We saw the reality of lives blighted by an ideology based on running down those who need the most,” Ms Collins said.

“But as well as some sad, frightening and sometimes upsetting stories, there was an emerging message that people are angry about what is happening to them and are looking for some hope and for someone to provide an alternative.

“All of this requires strong unions, working together in solidarity.”

She urged people to show the Tories the true scale of public opposition at a demonstration outside their party conference in Manchester on September 29.

“Nowhere is that strength and unity needed more this month than in a massive show of common purpose shouting loud and clear to Conservatives, telling them you are not welcome here in our region and your policies are not welcome in our societies.”

That call was backed by Unison assistant general secretary Roger McKenzie, who praised the courage of people hit hardest by the Con-Dem assault.

And RMT leader Bob Crow warned against forgetting the insidious role played by the European Union, which Britain must urgently leave in order to protect workers’ rights.


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