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Delhi minister protests at corruption

New Delhi Chief Minister calls for demonstration to disrupt forthcoming Republic Day celebrations

New Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal led a sit-in calling for a demonstration to disrupt forthcoming Republic Day celebrations.

He accused the city police force of targeting the poor for petty offences but refusing to combat serious crime.

Mr Kejriwal took office in December pledging to end corruption and organised the sit-in in direct defiance of police orders.

"All those who think their daughters and wives are not safe on Delhi streets, come and join us," he said after fighting through police blockades.

"Celebrations are meaningless in the current state of affairs.

"What is the meaning of Republic Day when our women are not safe?"

During Sunday's Republic Day celebrations the whole area will be locked down by security forces, meaning any protest will lead to confrontation.

Mr Kejriwal wants New Delhi's police force, which is widely criticised as corrupt, to come under the control of the Delhi state government instead of the central government.

Officers are often accused of taking bribes, failing to pursue cases or not doing enough to protect women's safety in a city still seething from the fatal gang rape of a woman just over a year ago.

Mr Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party has already clashed with police. Law Minister Somnath Bharti was accused of vigilantism after he raided a house used for prostitution last week.

Police would not follow his orders to raid the property without a warrant.

Mr Kejriwal has demanded that officers who refused to take part in the raid be suspended.


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