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Film: Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

New recruit beefcakes up the Ryan franchise

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Directed by Kenneth Branagh (12A)

3 Stars

Hollywood executives are probably hoping that it is fourth-time lucky as Chris Pine takes on the mantle of Tom Clancy's most renowned character in the latest reboot of the franchise.

It is back to square one, as we learn how Ryan became a crack CIA operative.

While recovering from a serious injury during a tour of Afghanistan he is recruited by Thomas Harper (Kevin Costner) as a covert CIA analyst.

During the course of his desk job he uncovers a cunning Russian plot to crash the US economy and bring it to its knees, whereupon he is sent out into the field.

Pine, following Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck before him, gives a fresh impetus to this action-packed role.

Yet his scenes with Costner are the most poignant thanks to the pair's on-screen chemistry and the latter certainly hasn't lost any of his charismatic presence or charm.

Kenneth Branagh makes an understated but deadly Russian villain while Keira Knightley looks a little uncomfortable to begin with as Ryan's love interest but then becomes a formidable player in her own right.

Directed by Branagh it is slick, stylish and totally riveting despite its ludicrous plot.

With Pine as the new Ryan there is still life left in the old dog of a franchise yet.

Maria Duarte


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