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Trans woman punched by Robinson's far-right goons says attack won't stop her standing up to hate

A TRANS woman who was attacked by Tommy Robinson supporters told the Star yesterday that she will not be cowed into silence.

Mr Robinson’s far-right goons went on a violent rampage against local anti-racism campaigners in Warrington, Cheshire, on Thursday.

Alice Edwards, who lives in the area, was left bloodied with a broken nose after an attack by three of Mr Robinson’s supporters at a counter-demo.



She told the Star that she was attempting to defend her friend – seen in a video being barged. She accused a man she has identified as Danny Tommo, real name Daniel Thomas, of attacking her.

He works with Mr Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – for what he claims is “reporting on issues our establishment won’t discuss.”

Ms Edwards said: “I went over and pushed him away and asked what they were doing. And I just got punched in the head by someone else.”

The incident took place soon after English Defence League founder Mr Robinson had a milkshake thrown at him for the second time this week while campaigning as an independent MEP for the North West for the European Parliament elections.

Ms Edwards said she will pursue legal action, and that the attack has not put her off standing up against the far right.

“I want them off the streets,” she said. “Everything Tommy Robinson stands for is ridiculous. He pushes for trouble and his hateful agenda onto everyone.

“I have a lad and I don’t want him growing around fascists like Tommy Robinson and I definitely don’t want him in politics.”

Activist group 0161 Anti-Fascists, based in Manchester, said Mr Robinson’s ego led him to run for election to represent a region where “his ‘voice of the working class’ routine falls flat.”

A spokesperson told the Star: “He has dropped all pretence of campaigning, and is now bowling through towns mob-handed starting trouble.

“He seems keen to attack locals when the numbers are on his side, but we have already seen him running away from his would be constituents when they are not. We look forward to a repeat performance after a dismal showing at the polls.”

Cheshire Police is investigating the incidents at Warrington town centre. No arrests have yet been made.

Chief Inspector Simon Meegan said: “We are aware there has been a lot of talk, videos and speculation about what happened on social media but we need to hear from people who were there at the time and witnessed what happened.”


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