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Women’s organisations demand release of jailed Palestinian feminist

WOMEN’S rights organisations and campaign groups demanded the release of Palestinian feminist Khitam Saafin today after an Israeli occupation court sentenced her to six months’ administrative detention.

They called for an immediate campaign of international solidarity to secure the release of Ms Saafin, who is a prominent activist and president of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees.

A statement from women’s organisations and Palestinian leftwingers warned that the arrest and jailing of Ms Saafin and other Palestinian leaders was an attempt to intimidate campaigners against the Israeli occupation.

It urged the international community to “put pressure on the occupation to release comrade Khitam Saafin and all the prisoners who are victims of arbitrary detention, as well as to stop the policy of targeting women leaders and to stop the policy of administrative detention.”

The signatories, including the Palestinian Working Women Committees Union, Jin Women Association of Lebanon, Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees and World March of Women – MENA region, warned: “The illegal and arbitrary arrests and detentions by the Israeli occupation forces are an egregious violation of the fourth Geneva convention.

“The extrajudicial abductions taking place during night-time raids are a clear and deliberate violation by the state of Israel of the human and civil rights of these leaders and activists, with the goal of instilling fear to deter resistance against the Israeli occupation and apartheid,” it said.

Ms Saafin was detained on November 2 during a series of simultaneous raids targeting women’s organisations and leading activists.

She is a well-known international campaigner for Palestinian women and freedom and justice for her people.

Ms Saafin has spoken around the world, including at the World Social Forum, about the Palestinian women’s struggle and served as chair of the Global Women’s March Palestine.

The reason for her detention remains unclear. Israel’s administrative detention orders allow prisoners to be held indefinitely without trial and without knowing the charges against them. At least 370 Palestinian prisoners are held under such orders, out of a total of around 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners.

Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilisation warned: “[Ms] Saafin’s arrest occurs in the context of the ongoing imprisonment of Palestinian activists by the Israeli occupation authorities. 

“This can be seen in the growing number of Palestinian Legislative Council members, human rights activists and civil society leaders arrested by Israeli occupation forces in recent years.”

Ms Saafin is one of about 40 jailed Palestinian women, including Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine legislator Khalida Jarrar, who played a major role in Palestine’s application to join the International Criminal Court.


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