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Bahrain marks anniversary of 2011 anti-government uprising calling for an end to dictatorial rule

BAHRAINI opposition groups marked the eleventh anniversary of the February 14 popular uprising today with further action set to take place tomorrow.

Rallies were organised to mark the anniversary with the government continuing a heavy-handed crackdown on dissent.

Lights were set to be switched off at 8pm as the Bahraini opposition called for participation in an online campaign under the Arabic hashtag “United on the Path to Truth.”

The protests, which were set to continue today, call for a new constitution to be established which they say will end dictatorial rule in Bahrain and enshrine the right to self-determination.

Bahrain’s Shia majority say they suffer persecution from the Sunni Al-Khalifa monarchy.

Hundreds have been jailed since the anti-government protests began in 2011 with opposition parties banned and newspapers shut down.

The Gulf kingdom has been criticised for mass trials and stripping government critics of their citizenship.

Peaceful protests demanding the release of political prisoners are routinely broken up by the Bahraini authorities who are accused of using excessive force.

The Bahraini government was contacted for comment.


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