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Join May Day celebrations wherever you are and stand in solidarity

Today is a day for emphasising our unity, not our divisions, writes ROGER SUTTON, organiser of the London May Day Organising Committee

WITH May Day in London returning to the street, it becomes a focus for the ever-increasing pressure on ordinary people both in Britain and around the world. 

The massive rise in the cost of living, employers adopting fire-and-rehire policies, the continuing massive profits for the rich and the large companies, cuts for those on benefits, the cost of housing and the increase of evictions in the rented sector etc etc — the list goes on. The profiteering during the Covid crisis while workers took the brunt is just another example.
May Day 2022 is celebrating the achievements of the working class — in the last two years primarily the massive efforts by workers to address the pandemic and keep our society going, from those in the health and care sector, other emergency services, transport workers, delivery, distribution and retail workers, power workers, education, etc. 

Many paid a heavy price, particularly in the health sector, and in London there were more than 50 bus drivers who died from Covid.
The Grenfell inquiry has shown what has been going on across our society with lowering of safety standards, commercial deceit and a government culture of profits over public safety. 

Those working in health and safety have seen the evisceration of the Health and Safety Executive and watched government ignore scientific advice to satisfy commercial interests.
Worldwide we see the same pattern, meaning the worst-off are hit the hardest while multinationals exploit people and the environment. 

The ever-escalating inroads into the important remaining forests, wetlands, unspoilt and wildlife areas by the big financial interests ignore the fact that there is now a fast-moving clock which shows disaster approaching us closer every day.
That is why this May Day has sought to reflect the big challenges facing our society, be it the environment or in the battle for equality which has been highlighted by Black Lives Matter. That is why speakers from the environment movement and BLM will be on our platform.

All of society watches as the rich get richer, real equality is low on the government agenda and the economic crisis sharpens the problems. 

In the area of employment, one issue has symbolised the reality of modern employers — the P&O sackings, which is why London May Day is proud to have the union campaign leading the march out from Clerkenwell Green.

In the battle for equality, unions are key. We also extend our solidarity to all the May Day events taking place across the country.
May Day is a time for exchanging solidarity messages with those celebrating across the world and renewing that international friendship between workers. 

May Day restates that workers across the globe face the same problems if the severity varies. Workers don’t want war, be it in Yemen or Ukraine, Sudan or Syria, or denial of democratic rights. 

In all those battles it is ordinary people who suffer the most. Arms manufacturers the least.
We also seek to restrengthen the tradition of May Day — the one day of the year that celebrates workers’ achievements and battles. 

A day for emphasising our unity not our divisions. That is why we restate our call for May 1 to be a national holiday, as it is across Europe and throughout the world, so we can celebrate fully.
Join May Day celebrations wherever you are and stand in solidarity. Build on the solidarity shown for health workers as Covid hit, make that the approach for all of us as we face the inequalities of our society and its economy.
London May Day meets at Clerkenwell Green EC1 from 12 noon before marching to the rally in Trafalgar Square, arriving about 2.20pm.


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