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Sunak reneges on Piers Morgan Rwanda bet

PIERS MORGAN become the latest person today to learn that you can never trust a Tory after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak backed out of their £1,000 deportation bet.

The celebrity TV presenter had wagered the floundering Prime Minister in the course of an interview on Monday that no flights deporting refugees to Rwanda would take off before the general election.

Mr Sunak shook hands on the wager, which was for £1,000 to be donated to a refugee charity.

By today, however, he had experienced second thoughts and repudiated the gamble, claiming that he was “not a betting person.”

The Prime Minister added that he had been “ taken totally by surprise” when Mr Morgan proposed the bet.

“I was just underlining my absolute commitment to this policy, my desire to get it through Parliament, up and running, because I believe you need to have the deterrent,” he said today.

However, by backing out of the bet, Mr Sunak gave the impression that his “absolute commitment” falls somewhere short of £1,000.

Labour said that the bet proved that Mr Sunak was “totally out of touch with working people,” while the SNP alleged that the wager could have breached the ministerial code.

SNP MP Kirsty Blackman said it was “grotesque that Rishi Sunak, one of the richest men in the UK, is betting money on whether he can ship vulnerable refugees abroad in time for the election.”

Former Tory leader William Hague said that he would have made a “judo move” on Mr Morgan had he suggested a similar bet to him.  


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