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Unison members urged to support trade unionists in Colombia at JFC fringe

A JUSTICE for Colombia fringe meeting heard a call today for trade unionists in the South American country to receive further support.

Unison national executive member Joanne Tapper noted that the meeting was taking place on the second anniversary of the election of President Gustavo Petro, Colombia’s first progressive leader.

However, Mr Petro’s supporters do not hold a majority in the legislature.

Lina Montilla Diaz, youth director at Colombia’s CUT trade union federation, told the meeting that the country “has been the victim of right-wing groups for hundreds of years.”

She said that there was now a real fear of “a legal coup to remove President Petro against the interests of the people.”

But the people have never stopped mobilising, particularly within their trade unions, Ms Montilla Diaz added.

“The people of Colombia still need health, pensions, work and education reform,” she said.

“These demands have been blocked by right-wing leaders in parliament.”

Unison Northern Ireland secretary Patricia McKeown said it was important that lessons were learned from the peace process on the island of Ireland.

She reminded delegates that the eyes of the world quickly look elsewhere once a peace treaty has been signed.


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