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Moroccan campaigners detained after election boycott call

THE International People’s Assembly (IPA) condemned state repression in Morocco yesterday after the detention of activists who called for a boycott of today’s elections.

Eight leading members of the leftist Democratic Way were arrested on Sunday, including its general secretary Mustafa Brahma and executive member Zahra Azlaf.

They were allegedly beaten and interrogated for several hours before they were released from custody.

Democratic Way was legalised in 2004 and includes former members of the Moroccan Communist Party and the Marxist-Leninist Moroccan Movement.

It holds the position that elections in Morocco are not free or democratic and has led peaceful protests calling for people to boycott the polls which it says are a sham and an attempt to legitimise the “Moroccan royal regime.”

Voters will choose candidates from 31 political parties for the 395 seat lower house in today’s poll. They will also select representatives for 678 seats in regional councils.

But Democratic Way says that the elections are under the control of the interior ministry with all legislative, judicial and executive powers in the hands of King Mohammed VI.

The International People’s Assembly, a co-ordination of left parties, people’s movements and trade unions established in Venezuela in 2019, called for global solidarity with the democratic struggles of the Moroccan people. 


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