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Barclays painted red by Palestine Action over investments in Israeli arms

NORTHERN branches of Barclays Bank were left spattered with red paint and smashed windows today in protest at the company’s investments in arms firms supplying Israel.

Two banks — in Bradford in West Yorkshire and Bolton in Greater Manchester — were targeted by activists from Palestine Action, the direct action group who struck in the early hours of this morning.

Palestine Action said Barclays has investments in Israeli-owned Elbit Systems — its “primary target” for direct action — which has four factories in Britain and manufactures drones and pilotless warplanes used in Israel’s continuing genocide in Gaza, where the death toll now exceeds 36,000.

“Elbit Systems provides 85 per cent of Israel’s military drone fleet and land-based equipment, as well as bombs, missiles and other weaponry,” the group said.

“The Israeli weapons maker markets their weapons as ‘battle-tested’ after they are developed during bombardments on occupied Palestine. 

“Palestine Action’s campaign of direct action has seen hundreds of occupations, redecorations and other disruptive actions against Elbit Systems directly, forcing two of their weapons factories permanently shut.”

Activists from the group use red paint in their “redecoration” protests to symbolise the blood of Palestinians killed by Israeli Defence Forces.

A spokesperson said: “Broken windows and red paint are incomparable to the Palestinian blood spilt and the destruction of Gaza, which Barclays continues to profit from.

“Banks cannot get away with murder and when all else fails, it’s up to the people to ensure humanity is upheld. Palestine Action will continue to act until the bank divests from Israel’s biggest weapons firm, Elbit Systems.”


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