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Scottish Greens call for an end to ‘dark money’ in politics

THE Scottish Greens unveiled plans today to drive “dark money and a cast of dodgy donors” out of politics.

Outlining a raft of measures to curb the “corrupting” influence of big money in politics, they have called for parties to be forced to identify sources of donations, foreign entities to be banned from buying UK campaign advertising and increased fines for breaches in campaign finance.

The proposals come after recent Tory government changes to not only to increase campaign spending limits, but to lift the threshold for anonymous donations to political parties.

Scottish Green co-leader Patrick Harvie MSP said: “Our politics should never be for sale.

“Yet there is dark money and a cast of dodgy donors right at the heart of Westminster and this election. 

“Our politics needs to represent the voices of normal people and families across our country, not the big businesses and cast of millionaires that are funding our biggest parties.

“It is not an accident or a coincidence. It is the end result of a fundamentally undemocratic system that has put far too much power in the hands of a small number of wealthy cronies.”


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