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Parties shape up for final week of campaigning in Scotland

PARTIES in Scotland are ramping up activity as there are just days left for people to head to the polls. 

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar is urging voters to back his party and usher in a “decade of national renewal” that would “boost wages, bring down bills, deliver jobs and help save our NHS.”

He said: “With [less than] a week left of this election it is clear that only a vote for Scottish Labour can get rid of the Tories and deliver the change Scotland needs.

“Scotland cannot afford any more years of Tory chaos and sleaze.

“It’s time for a decade of national renewal with a Labour government with Scotland at its heart.”

After recent polls show SNP face their toughest election since he last led them in 2003, SNP leader John Swinney has written to young voters warning them of a “bleak” Labour future.

He wrote: “The Tories are finished — thank goodness.

“But the alternative on offer from Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party is bleak.

“There will be no action on the real issues that matter to you, young voters in Scotland.

“Keir Starmer has promised to deliver more of the same: more cuts, more Brexit and more misery for young people.”

The SNP’s erstwhile coalition colleagues in the Scottish Greens however urged voters to back their £28 billion Green New Deal modelled on the policy recently ditched by Labour.  

Visiting the site of a former coal mine in West Lothian, co-leader Lorna Slater said Scotland must aim for 100 per cent renewable energy, adding: “It would be a huge opportunity for our climate, but also for our economy.

“It’s inexplicable that instead of embracing green solutions, Labour and Tories are doubling down on nuclear power, which is costly, dangerous and leaves a long and toxic legacy.”


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