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Teachers to take vintage routemaster bus to Parliament Sq in protest at privatisation

TEACHERS at Byron Court Primary School, Wembley, will be joined by parents and children on a vintage routemaster bus heading to Parliament Square to campaign against privatisation.

Members of the National Education Union at the community school have taken three days of strike action this week, ending today, in their fight to save the school from a takeover by the Harris Federation chain of academies.

The company’s CEO is a Tory Party donor.

NEU national executive member Jenny Cooper said: “The ‘Save Byron Court’ campaign has found itself on the front line of defence against privatisation, since the election was announced – and school staff around the country are watching to see what the next government will do.

“We do not want this to be the last community school to be given to private hands, we want it to be the last time this battle has to be fought.”

The bus will travel to Parliament Square and then to the Department for Education building in London on July 2.


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