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UN condemns US Cuba blockade for 22nd year

Only Washington and Israel oppose motion to end crippling economic warfare

For the 22nd year in a row, the UN general assembly yas condemned the US blockade of Cuba almost unanimously.

Only the US and Israel voted against the motion, while three more countries abstained from a resolution condemning the vote.

That left 188 states to categorically condemn the ruinous and illegal blockade.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said the attack had cost his country £700 million in economic damage in the last century.

Senior US advisor Ronald Godard was an almost lone voice in defending the blockade, calling it “one of the tools in our overall efforts to encourage respect for the civil and human rights” of Cuban people.

But, as has been the case for over two decades, the world disagreed with him.

Bolivia’s representative thanked the Caribbean island for saving thousands of lives through its medical programmes, adding: “May I break with protocol to say, up with Cuba, dear Cuba!”

Mr Rodriguez struck a conciliatory tone with its imperialist neighbour.

“It is true that the two governments have major differences,” he said, “but the only way is to find a productive, civilised way of relating as neighbours, under the respect for sovereignty and self-determination.

“Therefore, we should enforce the dialogue, negotiation and even co-operation as possible and appropriate, for the benefit of both peoples and of hemispheric relations.”

The general assembly resolution is unenforceable, so the US will be able to continue riding roughshod over world opinion.


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