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Scottish Labour calls for lessons on climate crisis to be placed at heart of school curriculum

LESSONS on the climate emergency must be placed at the heart of the school curriculum, Scottish Labour said today.   

Shadow net zero, energy and transport secretary Monica Lennon evoked the inspirational campaigning of the country’s young people as she demanded that the issue be given more attention. 

The former party leadership candidate made the comments in an amendment to the Scottish government’s motion for a debate on how to address the crisis.

Her call came ahead of this November’s COP26 United Nations climate conference in Glasgow, where world leaders will gather to hammer out a deal to tackle the emergency.

Ms Lennon said: “Climate change and nature loss are undeniably the greatest global threats we face.

“Climate justice must be at the heart of Scotland’s emergency response and young people have been leading the way on what fair action is needed.

“Young campaigners involved in the Children’s Parliament, Teach the Future and the Scottish branch of the Fridays For Future movement founded by Greta Thunberg are all pressing for urgent action.

“Embedding climate education in our classrooms is a cause that should unite us.”

Education Scotland has been contacted for comment.


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