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Union leaders welcome Scottish government's cautious approach to lockdown easing

UNION leaders have welcomed the Scottish government’s cautious approach to lockdown easing, claiming that many workers will be breathing a sigh of relief.

People employed in retail and other vulnerable sectors have said that the continued mandatory wearing of face coverings in Scotland is right, calling for the public to follow rules and respect staff following the Scottish government announcement this week. 

Usdaw Scottish secretary Tracy Gilbert said that the shopworkers’ union had long lobbied for these measures, adding that retailers must now promote safety measures to customers. 

She said: “Supermarket workers and delivery drivers have worked throughout the pandemic to keep the country supplied with essentials. These key workers must be valued, respected and protected.”

STUC general secretary Roz Foyer has said that employers must now co-operate with unions to protect staff as they return to work. 

She said: “Many workers will be breathing a sigh of relief at the continuation of mandatory use of face masks.  

“However, for hospitality staff, many of whom will not yet be fully vaccinated, the announcement of larger indoor events may understandably cause fear and worry.”


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