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21st Century Poetry Wolves Come Grovelling

by Alan Morrison

Out of the forests of towns & hovelling,
Wolves of poverty, howl out in worship,
Bow to your Wolf-queen, wolves come grovelling.   

Away from your wolf-fare of food bank shovelling,
For one weekend, share in wolf-fellowship,
Out of the forests of towns & hovelling.

Her crowned head minted on our pound sterling
And postage stamps shadows our hardship —
Bow to your Wolf-queen, wolves come grovelling. 

Believe or get even, there’ll be no levelling
Up, except in Uxbridge & South Ruislip —
Out of the forests of towns & hovelling; 

It’s all just so much Cat-Rat-and-Lovelling
Of Big Hog’s nodding-dog dictatorship —
Bow to your Wolf-queen, wolves come grovelling.   

Come famished & homeless join the street-revelling,
Come unemployed, lumpen, unpaid internship —
Out of the forests of towns & hovelling,
Bow to your Wolf-queen, wolves come grovelling. 

Alan Morrison’s books include A Tapestry of Absent Sitters, Shabbigentile, Gum Arabic, Tan Raptures and Anxious Corporals. He edits the webzine The Recusant and its sister site Militant Thistles. 21st-century Poetry is edited by Andy Croft, email [email protected].


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