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Dear Editor,
We, the undersigned, have a variety of positions about proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act. Some of us have not yet fully formed our opinions.
We are calling for action within our movement to allow informed discussion to take place over proposed changes to the Act.
You may be aware of a vicious and hostile environment created online by the Tory press and some people within our movement, including small numbers of trade union activists, members of the Labour Party and some other left-wing parties.
Some tactics which are employed include but are not limited to:
- Deliberately mis-gendering people. In particular, referring to trans women as men.
- Deliberately dead naming trans people (referring to them by the name given to them at birth).
- Suggesting that the parents of trans children are guilty of child abuse for supporting their children’s identity.
- Referring to cis women who support trans women as among other things, handmaidens and not good enough feminists.
- The daily abuse of many prominent trans people.
- The abuse of trans women invited to speak at women’s events.
- The suggestion that trans men are actually women, who find it easier to live as men.
- The erasure of the existence of non- binary people in many discussions.
- The reporting of trans people and allies to their employers, in order to cause them problems at work.
These tactics are systematic attempts to shut down the views of women and others who do not agree with the anti-trans agenda, and to deny us our rights to discuss potential legislative changes and conclude that they will have no impact on any sex-based rights already enshrined in law. Changes in the way trans people are able to legally identify themselves will have no impact on sex-based exemptions in the Equality Act (2010).
Thankfully we have the power of our progressive movement to counteract these tactics. Major trade unions such as PCS, UCU, NEU, Unite and Unison have confirmed their support for trans rights. We are pleased to note that the general secretary of Unite the Union has now clarified his own position and that of his union as being supportive of trans people.
We are not afraid to continue to voice our support for trans people or to continue to progress the policies of our unions or to support the leader of the Labour Party on this matter.
Some of us are what some may choose to describe as “ordinary women”, some of us are active in the Labour and Trade Union movement and other political campaigns.
Although we are deeply concerned about the effects of the people focussing their energies on the Gender Recognition Act, often from a place of misinformation and/or prejudice, we are not afraid to organise political activity, meetings or protests on these issues.
Despite the whole weight of the Tory press and its allies against us, our voices will not be silenced.
We are sure that, whatever your view regarding the issues around the Gender Recognition Act, you will agree that it is unacceptable for the Tory press, those against self-identification of trans people and those supportive of particular streams of feminism, to attempt to make anyone scared to engage in political life.
We, the undersigned, publicly and unequivocally condemn the use of violence or tactics of intimidation including those listed above, on this issue.
Signed (in a personal capacity, even where not stated, unless specifically stated otherwise)
- Sue Abbott UCU NEC and Chair of women members standing committee
- Debbie Adams, ordinary woman
- Saira Afzal, PCS rep and Labour Party member
- Kate Ahrens, personal capacity
- Ian Allinson Unite activist
- Jo Almond, Unite member
- Cllr Anwen Muston, City of Wolverhampton councillors, LGBT Officer Wolverhampton SE CLP, UNISON member
- Pura Ariza, UCU NEC Women’s Officer
- Jonathan Atkinson
- Olivia Atkinson, Community Involvement Co-ordinator, Preseli Pembrokeshire CLP
- Dr Grietje Baars, Senior Lecturer/City UCU Equality Officer, The City Law School, City University of London
- Andy Bateman, UCU Bradford University, Counselling and Psychotherapy Union, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, member Gendered Intelligence network
- Sarah Bennett, Branch Secretary Unite National Publishing and Media Branch
- Asa Benstead, child & family social worker & UNISON workplace rep
- Chris Bangs, High Peak Labour Party
- Richard Banks
- Korin Banrigh, personal capacity
- Meg-John Barker, University & College Union
- Fran Belbin
- Rich Belbin, treasurer South Yorkshire Not for Profit Unite
- Dom Bennett, Withington CLP and Unison University of Manchester branch
- Rhiannon Bennett, Labour Community Councillor for Coed Eva Ward, Cwmbran
- Tyler Bennetts, Equalities Officer South East Cornwall CLP
- Andrew Berry, UNISON National Labour Link Committee
- Hannah Berry, Manchester Central CLP
- Pete Bicknell, UCU Lewisham Southwark College, Lewisham Deptford CLP
- Heather Bird
- Juliet Birkbeck MBACP
- Kris Black LLB (Hons), BACP, UKCP reg psychotherapist, counsellor, supervisor and trainer. Member Labour Party, UNISON, PCSR, PCU, Pink Therapy and BAATN
- Jay Blackwood, Joint LGBT Officer, Bristol Unite Community Branch
- Rhiannon Blake, Labour Party member (personal capacity)
- John Boadle, Socialist Party member and PCS retired member
- Emma Bofinger, member of the Labour Party and Unite
- Cath Booth, UCU and Gorton CLP member
- Janine Booth
- Clare Bonetree
- Tracy Boyce, PCS
- Andy Boylan, PCS Defence Sector Group (personal capacity)
- Gwyneth Brain, LGBT+ Officer for Bristol South Labour Party and Unite member
- Chrissy Brand
- Jo Brewis, the Open University
- Fiona Brittle, PCS rep and Greater Glasgow Branch Young Members’ Officer (personal capacity)
- Tess Brooks, member Unite Community & Colchester CLP
- Alison Brown, Yorkshire Ambulance UNISON, Gleadless Valley Labour Party
- Charles Brown, UCU and Labour Party member
- Mandy Brown, UCU NEC and London Regional Secretary
- Xenia Brunel
- Eleanor Bullen
- Rick Burgess supports self ID
- Donna Burton
- Sue Caldwell, NEU Rep, Urswick School, Hackney
- Angie Campbell-Cairns
- Justine Canady, UCL Women’s Officer
- Bryan Carlson, PCS HSE branch secretary and PSG GEC member
- Caroline Carney, LGBTI Officer Brentford & Isleworth CLP
- Ginette Carpenter
- Christopher Carroll, PCS member (personal capacity)
- Aimee Challenor, signing as Equalities (LGBTIQA+) Spokesperson for the Green Party of England and Wales
- Lyndon Chaney, Labour member
- Bridget Chapman, NEU
- Serena Cheung
- Anna Chivers, UNISON member
- Josh Chown, Guildford CLP
- Cllr Ben Clay, Manchester Labour councillor
- Teresa Clark, Secretary Lewisham West & Penge CLP, Vice-Chair Labour Party Women’s Conference Arrangements Committee, former President PCS Education Group (personal capacity)
- Joe Clough, Labour Party and Unite member
- Roderick Cobley, Unite rep
- Floyd Codlin, PCS Arms & PCS Culture – personal capacity
- Carol Cody, UCU North West Women’s Equality rep
- Ronete Cohen, human being
- Paula Collins, South Beds CLP
- Tony Collins, RMT rep/activist, London Underground
- Polly Conroy, Counsellor on trans issues (retired)
- Steve Conway
- Terry Conway, Chair Islington Unite Community, LGBT Officer Islington North CLP – personal capacity
- Maddy Cooper, Camden Unison Shop Steward (personal capacity)
- Siobhan Corria
- Joy Coughlan, Unison Equalities Rep.; Disability Officer Cardiff North CLP (pc)
- Lucy Cox, NEU – personal capacity
- Cllr Bev Craig, Executive Member Manchester City Council and Women’s Officer Manchester Withington CLP
- Karon Crawford, personal capacity
- Martin Crawford, personal capacity
- Hazel Croft – Unison, UCL, personal capacity
- Pam Crossland LGBT officer Blackley & Broughton CLP GM Unite Community
- Dan Crowter, Coventry UNISON Young Members Officer (personal capacity)
- Victoria Cuckson, Bootle CLP and PCS member
- Freya Cumming-Webb, Broxtowe CLP Disability Officer
- Sean Cummins
- MiaTanya Bininfia Curran
- Simon Dalfen signing as PCS DWP North West Regional Equality Officer
- Michael Dance, NEU London LGBT+ National Organising Forum Member
- Cllr David Daniels, Torfaen County Borough Councillor and Cabinet Member, member of Unite
- Hazel Danson, National Executive NEU (NUT section)
- Dean Davidson
- Chris Day, Organiser, PCS National Archives branch (personal capacity)
- Dawn Day, Labour Party member
- Donnacha DeLong, NUJ past president
- Jim Denham, Unite and Selly Oak CLP
- Adam Di Chiara, Unite Rep, NUJ Branch Officer
- Dee Dickens
- Phil Dickens signing as PCS R&C Assistant Secretary and NEC member
- Gillian Donaldson-Selby, Prospect Equality Rep (personal capacity)
- Jade Doswell, Unite and Withington CLP member
- Lesley Dougan MBACP
- Paul Dovey, personal capacity
- Tina Downes, Shipley CLP chair, Chair UCU Y&H Retired Members (personal capacity)
- Nicky Downes, Equalities Officer, Coventry NEU (NUT section)
- Bronwyn Driver, Labour Party member
- Gary Duke, UCU member
- Martha M Dunkley, DipCouns (PCA) Director CliniQ CIC
- Rachel Eborall, Health Worker, UNITE
- Michelle Edwards, UNISON Branch LGBT Officer
- Robin Edwards, member Ashfield CLP
- Mel Eggleton, Rame & Torpoint CLP Branch Executive Committee, personal capacity
- Jennifer Elliott, Unite member
- Celia Emery, Co-Disability Officer Huntingdon CLP
- Martin Empson
- Sarah Ensor, PCS rep IOPC
- Bethan Erin Evans, USDAW member, personal capacity
- Kathy Evans, Labour councillor
- Matt Exley signing as Branch Chair, PCS – National Museums Liverpool and PCS Culture Group GEC member
- Mrs Fiona Fairless
- Colin Fancy, Unite member and John Roan Resists anti academies campaigner
- Dr. Lynne Fanthome, UCU member
- Ben Farnworth
- Sam Feeney, MBACP, Co-LGBT Officer, UNISON – Cambridgeshire County Branch & LGBT Officer Huntingdon CLP
- Tony Fenwick MBE, CEO Schools OUT UK/LGBT History Month, NEU (NUT Section) Eastern Region NOF, NEU (NUT Section) Equalities Officer Luton Division, SERTUC LGBT+ LESE member
- Nicola Field, writer, activist, NUJ member & original member of Lesbians & Gays Support the Miners
- Max Fisher, Equality & Diversity Officer Nottingham Trent Students’ Union, 2016/17 and 2017/18
- Helen Flanagan, PCS and GMB member (personal capacity)
- Councillor Grace Fletcher-Hackwood, Manchester City Council & Manchester Gorton CLP
- Cllr Felicity Flynn, Labour councillor, PCS
- Alexandra Forshaw, Labour Party member
- Joey Frances, Withington Labour Party member
- Cathryn Fraser, Labour Party member and Unite member
- Denise Friend, Labour Party Branch Women’s Officer, member of Momentum
- Cllr Osh Gantly (Labour), Highbury East Ward, London Borough of Islington
- Michael Gardiner, Labour Party member and UCU member, committee member at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (personal capacity)
- Rob Gardiner, Labour Party member, NHS Officer for Huntingdon CLP (personal capacity)
- Stella Gardiner, RMT member, Green Party member
- Steve Garelick, London & East England Officer GMB
- Ray Garner, IWW member (personal capacity)
- Sophie Garrett, Wrekin Labour member, Unite Community member
- Craig Gent, UCU member
- Carol Gerrard, PCS
- Pete Gillard, Unite retired member, Treasurer Health Campaigns Together
- Sarah Gillibrand Labour Party member
- Vicky Gillibrand, Labour Party member, Manchester University Hospital Foundation NHS Trust child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Manager
- Colette Gilmore, Labour Party member & member of RCN (personal capacity)
- Gill George, former EC member, Unite, Chair Shropshire Defend our NHS
- Lee Glover, Labour Party and PCS member
- Andrew Godfrey, LGBT+ Officer Cardiff Central CLP
- Vicky-Jane Gooding, Labour Party member
- Gill Goodswen, past president NUT, Labour Party member
- Priyamvada Gopal, personal capacity
- Cllr Stephanie Grant, Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council, Basingstoke CLP
- Stephen Gray, PCS Equality Rep (personal capacity)
- Rob Grayston, Chair South Cambs CLP
- David Greenall
- Dorian Griffiths, PCS member
- Councillor Owen Griffiths, Vale of Glamorgan Council, LGBT+ Officer Vale of Glamorgan CLP, Secretary LGBT Labour Wales (all in a personal capacity)
- Steven Griffiths, PCS member
- Jacquie Hadfield, PCS Associate and Retired Members in a personal capacity
- Stephen Hall, secretary of Unite NW0523 and President of Greater Manchester Association of Trade Union Councils
- Natalie Halman, Labour Party member (personal capacity)
- Trudi Halpin
- Lorraine Harding, Unite Community member, Equalities Officer Gedling CLP (pc)
- Dr Kate Hardy, University of Leeds
- Paul Harnett
- Alison Harris, Chair, Greater Manchester Socialist Health Association, UNITE the Union workplace representative (personal capacity)
- Kate Harris, Hornsey and Wood Green CLP (pc)
- Louise Hart, Labour Party member
- Alexandria Hassett, Thamesmead Moorings Vice Chair and Organiser, LCF Vice Chair and Campaigns Co-Ordinator
- Tanya Hawkes: Labour Party member and Unite member
- Annie Hawksley, Labour party member and branch secretary (personal capacity)
- Matthew Heaney, Political education co-officer, Labour International CLP (personal capacity)
- Elane Heffernan, UCU NEC
- Kris Hendry, signing as PCS Proud national committee member
- Alyssa Henley, signing as Chief Operating Officer, Support U
- Heather Herbert, Aberdeen CLP
- Rebecca Alice Hills (personal capacity)
- Amy Hills-Fletcher, Hackney South & Shoreditch CLP and NEU member
- Jackie Hilton, Plymouth – member of the Labour Party, GMB union and Momentum
- Melissa Hind, Division Secretary of Kensington and Chelsea NEU (NUT Section), Co-chair of the London NEU LGBT+ Educators Network.
- Emma Hirst
- Ian Hodson, signing as President of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union
- Susanne Hofmann
- Jason Holdway
- Mark Hollinrake, PCS rep
- Mike Homfray, Bootle CLP
- Julia Hope, Labour Party member, personal signature
- Sam Hope, Ashfield CLP
- Charlie Hore, UNISON rep (pc)
- Jessie Horner, South East Cambs CLP & UNISON member
- Rob Hoveman, Unite
- Emily Howard (personal capacity)
- Mandy Hudson – National Education Union – NUT section exec member for disabled members
- Charlotte Hughes, Labour Party and Unite Community member
- Emma Hughes, PCS, Liverpool
- Georgie Hulme, Hulme Labour Party and Unite Community member
- Rosie Huzzard
- Madeleine Imogen, Co-chair, LGBT Labour Wales
- Steve Ion, PCS Retired Section National Committee Member
- Sacha Ismail, Lewisham for Corbyn/Momentum co-secretary (pc)
- Alena Ivanova, Bethnal Green and Bow CLP, Unite London Not for Profit branch, Tower Hamlets Momentum
- Phil Jackson, Labour Party member, Co-Founder, Stop HDV Campaign Haringey
- Vijay Jackson, Youth and Students Officer of Edinburgh Central CLP, Treasurer of Momentum Edinburgh, and Communications Officer of the Scottish Labour Young Socialists
- Katy Jago, Labour Party member
- Keira James, IWW and Action for Trans Health member (personal capacity)
- Saul Jeavons, Huntingdon CLP
- Paula Jewers, Labour Party & Momentum member
- Karen Johnson
- Chris Jones, UCU Wales FE
- Diane Jones, Branch Secretary Aberystwyth University UNISON Branch; Workplace Steward; Higher Education Service Group Member; UNISON Women’s Group Member (personal capacity)
- Emily Jones, Manchester Gorton CLP Women’s Officer, Unite member
- Richard Jones
- Roz Kaveney, personal capacity
- Michael Kearney – City of York NEU NUT Section President and NEU Northern Region LGBT+ NOF Rep
- Beverley Keenan, member of NEU and Stretford and Urmston CLP
- Jane Kelly, Camberwell & Packham Labour Party, personal capacity
- Sam Kelly, Labour Party member and PCS Union member
- Jez Kemp, Labour member
- Heidy Kempe-Bottcher
- Natacha Kennedy, member UCU & Eltham CLP
- Jennie Kermode, NUJ
- Mary Kerr, signing as Equalities Officer, Kent Division NEU – NUT Section
- Eileen Kersey, Hull West and Hessle CLP
- Thom Kirkwood, Great Horton Branch Secretary (Bradford South CLP), Information Officer, Young Teachers’ Officer, and school rep, Bradford NEU
- Ita Kirrane, Labour Party member
- Charlie Kiss, Camden UNISON
- Jade Knight, UNISON member, personal capacity
- Karina Knight, Unison member, Manchester City CLP
- Andrew Knowles signing as PCS DWP North West Regional secretary
- Nina Laithwaite, PCS ULR
- Catherine Lane, Labour Party member and Unison member
- Gareth Lane, Wentworth & Dearne CLP
- Anna Langley, UCU member, University of Cambridge
- Ian Lawther, PCS Branch Chair & Assistant Group Secretary (personal capacity)
- Rob Leach, Campaign Co-ordinator & Agent, Huntingdon CLP
- Cleo Lewis, Joint Equalities Officer Lewisham NEU (NUT section)
- Robin J. Lewis, Secretary Brecon and Radnorshire CLP, personal capacity
- Jamye Lewis (personal capacity)
- Philip Lewis, Camden UNISON Branch Health & Safety officer, UNISON Regional Health & Safety Comm. Vice Chair Unison NHSC (pc), Chair, London Hazards Trust (pc), Trustee, London Asbestos Support Awareness Group (pc), Member of the National Hazards Campaign committee (pc), UK Workstress Steering Group social media secretary (pc)
- Gwyneth Lonergan, Huddersfield CLP
- Zed Lomax DT teacher Waltham Forest
- Tanya Stephanie Love, former Secretary, South Telford Labour Party
- Rob Lugg, Unite Rep – Branch LE/427 & TULO Battersea CLP
- Rhiannon Lockley, UCU NEC, Dudley South CLP
- Tanya Mackle (personal capacity)
- Jenny Mahimbo, co-chair, Labour International CLP (in an official capacity)
- Deej Malik-Johnson, Welfare Officer University of Manchester Student’s Union
- Chris Marks signing a PCS DWP GEC member
- Marion Mayer Vice Chair Bournemouth UCU, Chair Southern Region UCU, Bournemouth CLP
- Hazel Mayow
- Kirsty McArthur
- Chris McCabe, Labour Party member, Sandy, Beds
- Katy McCafferty, Labour International CLP
- Liam McCafferty, LGBT officer Torfaen CLP
- Lauren McCourt, Youth Rep, Executive Council, Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union (personal capacity)
- Charlie McDonald, PCS DWP London region organiser and West Ham CLP
- Neil McDonald MBE, Labour Party member (personal capacity)
- Richard McEwan UCU FE National Negotiator
- AJ McKenna, Unite member
- Jo McKillop AMRSB, University of Roehampton (personal capacity)
- Ruairidh MacLean, member of UCU
- Alasdair McNab, Labour Party member (personal capacity)
- Jo McNeill, President, University of Liverpool UCU & NEC & Liverpool Riverside CLP
- Urte Macikene, Youth Officer, Dulwich and West Norwood CLP
- Lily Madigan
- Despina Mavrou, Newham NEU (NUT section)
- Kate Mayer, GMB member
- George Maynard, Labour Party member
- Simon Meech, LGBT Officer for Redcar CLP, Chair Redcar LGBT Labour
- Lindsay Melia, Labour councillor
- Stephe Meloy – Musicians Union (MU) member, TUC LESE LGBT Network, Lewisham Deptford CLP, Co-Chair Lewisham LGBT Forum, London LGBT Forums Network, L&Q LGBT Forum, Lewisham BME Network, Lewisham Irish Community Centre
- Samantha Messer RMBACP BA (Hons) counselling
- Sam Metz, Labour Party member
- Phil Millar
- Kieran Miles, Tooting CLP
- Laura Miles, UCU NEC
- Debi Millar (personal capacity)
- Cllr Tom Miller, Labour Councillor for Willesden Green, Cabinet Lead for Community Safety, LB Brent
- Charity Millington, Labour Party member, personal capacity
- Laura Millward, personal capacity
- Richard Milner, UNITE Chair EM/NN14 branch, UNITE East Midlands Regional Committee
- Victoria Elizabeth Mitchell, Labour Party, East Ham CLP
- John Moloney, PCS DFT TUS Secretary
- Catherine Moody, member of Unison (personal capacity)
- Raymond Morell, Unite London and Eastern Regional Committee
- Lindsey Morgan, Socialist Party activist and Unite Community member
- Sal Morawitz, women’s Officer, Nottingham East CLP & member GMB NW London Branch – personal capacity
- Vicki Morris, University of Nottingham Unison branch chair (personal capacity)
- Michael Moss, IWW Member (personal capacity)
- Ian Murch Treasurer (National Officer) National Union of Teachers Section of National Education Union
- Simon Murch, NUT-NEU NEC member South Yorkshire
- Cllr Nigel Murphy, Manchester City Councillor
- Connor Naismith, North West Young Labour TULO
- Claire Nance
- Jonathan Neale, writer and climate activist
- Christie Neary, in their capacity as Women’s Rep, NUS Trans Campaign
- Jenny Nelson
- Claire Nicholls
- Anna Nicholson
- Dr Richie Nimmo, Branch Secretary Hulme Ward Labour Party
- Eddy Nixon, secretary of PCS Proud
- Liat Norris, Usdaw K193 branch secretary (personal capacity)
- Sam O’Brien, Communications Officer UNISON Rochdale LG branch
- Maxi O Broithe, Unite member
- Dr Saorise Caitlin O’Shea, member UCU
- Derek Oakley, PhD Candidate, Lancaster University
- Andrew “Ozzy” Osborne, Chair Unite London and Eastern Engineering and Manufacturing Regional Industrial Sector Committee
- Marianne Owens, PCS NEC member
- Clara Paillard, Signing as Chair of PCS Culture Group
- Christina Paine
- Jem Pammenter-Fry, Labour member
Dave Parks, Exeter Left Unity (personal capacity)
- Mandy Parry, Campaigns Officer, Brislington East, Bristol East, CLP
- Susan Pashkoff, Chair East London Unite Community, Women’s Officer Leyton & Wanstead CLP, personal capacity
- Ian Parker, Labour Party and Unite member
- Tariq Persaud Parkes, Hastings and Rye CLP
- Sarah Pattison, GMB Convenor, SWTUC Executive/Women’s Committee (personal capacity)
- Cllr Chris Paul, Manchester Labour and Co-op Councillor, Unite Member
- Mike Pearn, Revolutionary History Editorial Board, personal capacity
- Kate Percival
- Heather Peto, LGBT-Labour Trans Officer
- Grace Petrie
- Del Pickup, student activist
- Hugo Pierre, UNISON NEC member, personal capacity
- Dave Pike, NEU (personal capacity)
- Dora Polenta, political education officer, Rushcliff CLP, personal capacity
- Karen Pollock, MBACP, member Hexham CLP
- Megan Povey, Professor University of Leeds and UCU CBC
- Stella Power, Women’s Officer Didsbury West Labour Party, Unite and NEU member
- Annette Pryce, LGBT+ Executive Members NEU (NUT section)
- John Puttock, PCS DWP Greater Manchester Branch Vice Chair (pc)
- Bonita Quittenton, member of the Labour party and of Unite the Union
- Omar Raii, Lewisham West & Pence CLP Youth Officer & London Young Labour Committee
- Roland Rance, member East London Unite Community & Walthamstow CLP
- Daniel Randall, RMT Bakerloo Line branch (pc)
- Will Ranger, Gorton CLP, Chair of the University of Manchester Living Wage Campaign
- Charlotte Reay, CWU Member
- Rachel Redhead, PCS member, author
- Maeve Regan, Crewe & Nantwich CLP, UNISON member
- Cllr Julie Reid, Manchester Labour Party Councillor
- Day Reily
- Iain Rendell, Labour Party member
- Katie Reynolds, NEU Middlesbrough Division Equalities Officer
- Leslie Rich IWW / CWU member
- Andy Richards, Hove CLP and Chair of Brighton and Hove UNISON (both in a personal capacity)
- Angela Richards, Huntingdon CLP
- Will Richardson, Green Party member and PCS rep
- Christine Rimmer, Broxtowe CLP, personal capacity
- Richard Rippin, Unite & Cambridge CLP
- Sophie Robbins, Labour Party member
- Christopher Roche, Bath CLP Trade Union Liaison Officer, UNISON at the University of Bath Committee, Unite member
- June Roche, writer and campaigner
- Neil Rogall, UCU London Retired Branch member
- Katherine Rogers
- Kelly Rogers, BECTU Picturehouse Organiser
- Daniel Round, Dudley Momentum Chair (pc)
- Miles Row, BECTU member
- Peter Royle, Labour Party member
- Alan Runswick, PCS R&C Group Executive Committee member, Chair PCS R&C Liverpool Branch
- Emma Runswick, BMA Council, doctors in Unite
- Kathy Runswick, Chair, Wallasey Labour Party & GMB member
- Steve Ryan, PCS R&C GEC member
- Obi Saiq, Hackney BECTU
- Jeffri Salleh (personal capacity)
- Maisie Sanders, NEU (NUT) Lewisham & Deptford CLP branch LGBT Officer
- Sue Sanders, founder of Schools Out and LGBT History Month
- Sarah Sanford, activist in Unite, Ipswich Trades Council and Ipswich Labour Party
- Nita Sanghera, SCCB Bournville College, Vice President UCU
- Dominic Sealy, member NEU & Labour Party
- Rainbow Serina, RMT rep, personal capacity
- Jackie Seymour
- Sue Shaw, personal capacity
- Helen Sheridan, PCS Bootle Taxes branch equality committee
- Gemma Short, Haringey Momentum secretary (personal capacity) and NEU member
- Jen Slater
- Adam Smith
- Alison Smith
- David J Smith, Unite member
- Holly Smith, member of UCU Manchester branch and Labour Party member (personal capacity)
- J Smith, signing as LGBTQ+ Officer for Bristol Young Labour
- Kae Smith, NEU member personal capacity
- Neville Southall, former Everton & Wales goalkeeper, retired Professional Footballers Association
- Sue Sparks, Unite member
- Gareth Spencer, Branch Secretary, PCS Southbank Centre Branch & PCS Culture Group Organiser
- Lesley Spilard, Labour Party and Unite member
- Dr Carol Steele CEO of Transfigurations
- Sue Stelfox, retired member Prospect, former TUC LGBT Committee member, former Vice-Chair Prospect Branch exec, former member Prospect National Equalities Advisory Committee
- Mark Stevens, CWU workplace rep, personal capacity
- Alison Stevenson, IWW member (personal capacity)
- Zoe Stewart, personal capacity
- Nell Stockton, Derbyshire LGBT+ Role Model, Chair Barnsley Gender Equality Forum, Community Union member
- Andy Stone, Joint Secretary, Wandsworth NEU (NUT section), personal capacity
- Rachel Strong, Unison member and co-founder of Pro Choice Nottingham
- Dee Stuart, Usdaw
- Rosie Swayne (personal capacity)
- Mary Sweeney, personal capacity
- Inbar Tamari, LP member, Walthamstow CLP, Hackeny NEU International Officer
- Lucy Louise Thomas, Birmingham, personal capacity
- Ted Thomas, Labour Party Member
- Luke Thorold, IWW and Labour Party member (personal capacity)
- Mandy Tiffany, GMB member
- Jaice Sara Titus, Co-organiser of Momentum Hackney (pc), member of UCU, Unite and Hackney South & Shoreditch Labour Party
- Nixon Tod, Unison organiser
- Sara Tomlinson, Lambeth NUT section secretary of the NEU
- Kelly Tonks BSc (Hons), Equality and Diversity Consultant, Folkestone and Hythe CLP
- Ian Townson, Secretary, Lambeth & Southwark Unite Community (personal
capacity) - Ben Towse, UCU member (personal capacity)
- Jason Travis, Blackley and Broughton CLP, Bolton NEU
- Andy Turner, Labour member (personal capacity)
- Katrina Turner
- Jos Twist, member of Unite, BPS commitee member
- Saorsa Amatheia Tweedale, Signing as National PCS Proud Trans representative
- Simon Vermes, PCS rep
- James Walkling, Labour Link and International Relations, Unison Salford Health branch
- Adrie Van Der Meer, Bexhill and Battle CLP
- Dr Maria Vlassopoulos (private capacity)
- Astrid Walker, City of Chester CLP, Secretary, Cheshire West and Chester Local Campaign Forum, Officer & National Policy Forum Representative, LGBT Labour
- Annie Wallace, actress, Labour Party member
- Delilah Wallbank, Labour Party member
- Claire Wardley, Vice-Chair Gt Yarmouth CLP & Unite Community member
- Cheryl Warner, Secretary Brislington Labour, Bristol East CLP
- Natalie Washington, signing as Trustee and Project Lead, Trans Pride Brighton
- Phoebe Watkins, Co-Chair, Camden UNISON
- Julie Webster, PCS union rep
- Saira Weiner, Branch secretary LJMU UCU
- Barry Weldon
- Liz Wheatley, Branch Secretary Camden UNISON
- Mark Whiley, LGBT+ Officer of Labour International
- Stewart Whitehead, member of UNISON and Arundel and South Downs CLP
- Bowen Whiteoak, Coventry and Warwickshire Unite Community Equalities Officer (personal capacity)
- Mark Whyatt, member of the Labour Party and Unison (personal capacity)
- Nick Wigmore, NUT National Executive member
- Sarah Wilkinson
- Kay Willis, member of the Labour Party and Unison
- Colin Wilson, Unite member, Joint Secretary No to Pinkwashing (pc)
- Malcolm Wilson, NEU member
- Rebecca Winson, Women’s Officer, Basingstoke CLP, GMB and Unite member
- Sarah Wittams-Howarth, personal capacity
- Debbie Helen Wood, member Penrith and the Border CLP, Director Be-North Trans Support and Development
- Stephen Wood, Finsbury Park RMT, Hornsey & Wood Green CLP
- Stephie Woodcock, Broxtowe CLP (personal capacity)
- Rosie Woods Unite and Harrow Momentum
- Lee Wootton (personal capacity)
- Lauren Wroe
- Cllr Annette Wright, Manchester Labour Party councillor, Manchester TUC president, signing as member of PCS R&C GEC
- Liz Yeates, Vice-Chair Charnwood CLP, personal capacity
- Gilaine Young, PCS DfT Group Executive Committee member (personal capacity)