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Police caught fining couriers despite their being classed as key workers

POLICE have been filmed stopping courier riders and fining or cautioning them for allegedly breaking lockdown rules.

At least two riders have been fined £50 and one cautioned by North Yorkshire Police.

But their union, the Independent Workers of Great Britain (IWGB), believes there have been many more.

Both the IWGB and York MP Rachael Maskell have challenged the force, as riders have been told that they can make deliveries as long as they maintain social distancing.

Deliveroo rider Ethan Bradley, who was filmed being stopped and searched, said: “I was absolutely shocked by the confrontational behaviour of the officer.

“He not only grabbed my handlebars and threatened me with arrest if I did not give my details — but by not using protective equipment, he put me and my customers at risk.”

York Central MP Ms Maskell has protested to the North Yorkshire force arguing that the couriers are doing essential work, often delivering food and sometimes medication.

She has called for the £50 fines — equivalent to a day’s pay for some couriers —to be revoked.

A statement from IWGB couriers York said: “York couriers demand better treatment and access while carrying out their vital key workers roles during Covid-19 pandemic and less treatment from law enforcement like this.”

The IWGB argued the police action is jeopardising the livelihoods of couriers, many of who are gig-economy workers who do not get paid if they don’t work.

A North Yorkshire Police statement said: “Restrictions to stop motorists and cyclists from using pedestrianised areas in York are still in place as normal.

“Although the city-centre streets are currently very quiet due to the lockdown, this does not mean that pedestrianised areas can be used by cyclists and other vehicles.”


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