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Property giant cuts ties with Israeli weapons firm

THE landlords of a Leicester drone factory have been forced to sell the site following a relentless direct action campaign demanding they cut ties with Israel, it emerged today.

Palestine Action activists regularly disrupted business at UAV Tactical Systems, a subsidiary of the Israel’s largest weapons firm Elbit Systems.

Joined by the Youth Front for Palestine, they also targeted the offices of the factory’s landlords LondonMetric.

They smashed windows, painted the premises blood red and blockaded the entry to the offices of the firm, which has a property portfolio worth £6 billion.

The outcome mirrors the campaign against Fisher German, former landlords of Elbit’s UAV Engines site in Shenstone, who wrote to Palestine Action in December 2023 to confirm that they had cut ties with their former client. 

A Palestine Action spokesperson said: “Alongside LondonMetric, other complicit companies including Elbit’s landlords, suppliers and hauliers have all been forced to cut ties. 

“All those continuing to do business with Elbit should know: facilitating Israel’s weapons production will invite resistance against complicity in genocide.”


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